Let's make work better.

ecosio GmbH Logo


Great company with great colleagues and drive

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei ecosio GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There is the possibility to work 100% remote, whereby the company provides all sort of tools and also a dedicated workplace team to make the remote life as convenient as possible. Recently a hub in Valencia has opened, to allow the remote team members to from there to share a common office. Regular team retreats and company events help to stay connected with peers.

Very nice and diverse team

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Due to the growth of the company it has high workload and everyone is pushy. Still there are some obvious underperfomers on board (and everyone can literally see their underperformance). Yet the management does only slow react and lets them keep their slow pace. In my team that regularly leads to discussions - in particular at afterworks. However, most recently the management has pushed for a more stringent evaluation approach, which in particualar some of the long term team members do not like. Some colleagues have quit as a consequence.


Some of the team members who are with the company since the beginning still bemoan an "ecosio-lifestyle" they are missing. The culture team should find a way to better align the "old" and "new" team members


very open culture


Very nice colleagues and a great teamspirit


Sometimes very high workloads. The good relationship with peers helps to overcome it. The management literally seems to work around the clock. If that is so good is another question


Generally very fair and professional, although one can clearly tell some seniority gaps with some of the heads

Interessante Aufgaben

Almost no day like the other and everyday new challenges arise, which I prefer

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

While the team is generally quite young, the few older team members are well integrated. Although they do not show up at company events that often


My superior is very helpful and has an open ear. Sometimes the workload is very intense


The management is very keen to keep a fair share approach among the employees and to not overcompensate single contributors


Very fair compensation, compared to my previous employer


Generally very positive feedback from customers


Dedicated budget for training and self-development is available



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Dear employee,
We appreciate your feedback and kind words!

Sending positive vibes,
The ecosio team
