Exciting beginning, downhill the rest of the way!
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The new Getz campus is incredible and was lovely to work at
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Salary and this "blind-eye" to those who were there the longest but still doing a bad job or no work...
Evaluate your salary options, you cannot deny people complain about it and there is always the same excuse "we orient ourselves to the market, we offer good packages such as bonus pays"... No one is happy with what they are getting and this is constantly ignored, look at other ratings - even look at Biomin, there are many complaining about this!
The company should also not ask internal superiors to get their employees to now rate on this system just because they want to hide the bad ratings! -
Overall atmosphere is great, had a feeling that the newer kids on the block were undermined by those who had been there longer (because being there longer meant they were better than the new kid)
Often people were let go and it was not correctly communicated what was behind, this meant always looking over your shoulder to see who was next. The innovative to have an intranet is great but when the company pays for a cheap third service that is down for a long time where something like Slack is way better and companies such as Nasa even use, makes me think if the company really even knows what they are doing in regards to communication!?!
Overall the colleagues are great, always a few bad eggs in the batch but that is everywhere...
This is something hard to balance, the company offers a lot such as sports and outing activities, but there are things that cause there to be more work that are always "unforseen" and overtime not being paid back is a real shame. more often than none you need to fight with your superior if you can get compensation because some offer it and some don't believe it should be offered...
I felt my supervisor set realistic goals and was good at handling bad situations that I would fall into, they would remove me from the firing line and take the "shots" themselves.
Interessante Aufgaben
This is 50/50 - it seems there are some great advancements and great tasks and then there are those where you think why are we still even doing this. I have a feeling though that this is almost in every company...
I would agree that woman have the same opportunities! But I think returnees and workers are really treated as just that "workers" and this seems to reflect in salary as well!
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Age is not a problem, the issue is those "long-time employees" as they get all these amazing benefits and new roles and more often than none they are doing less work than the newcomer but because they have been there long they are valued and trusted more! The ones getting fired are always newcomers and not the long-time employee and if a long-time valued employee is fired it is very rare in comparison...
This was really top of the line, Erber campus really is in comparison to big tech companies buildings such as Telekom!
I think the company was focusing on environment quite well. I did personally try making suggestions about going for more electric cars but this was always shutdown because there is already an old Ampera that is not really efficient compared to the new technology we have these days. Also there is a Tesla but of course only the most high-level people can drive this because the regular workers are not worthy enough and it's "not safe enough for us to drive" - even though a Tesla is one of the safest cars to be made, but of course you can't have every pleb using it because then the value of this is degraded. The Tesla was not an environmental purchase this was most definitely a status purchase and no one can be convinced otherwise!
The salary is the worst at this company, everyone leaves because of the salary. You are always told there are good benifits and they orientate themselves to the market. But clearly the market they chose to orientate themselves to is somewhere like South East Asia. The salary is absolutely terrible and is a joke, more people take on a second job because you cannot live with what the company pays you! Unless you wait a good 5-10 years because then you fall into the category of valued long-term employee and will automatically get more money - even if you don't work hard, you can even chose to slow down or put yourself in reverse!
But honestly, this is not a dream job, this is something you take when you are desperate but want something close to home. If you want this job because you believe you are getting a good salary then I would recommend to look further, you can make the same money at H&M...
HR may choose to ignore this and spit out excuses but if so many people are complaining -why don't they do something about it?
Because of the salary almost everyone still working there or who have left will talk about this. Of course, this is a topic everywhere but because of this the image is very poor at the company! No one wants to recommend to work here because you could say this place is like Evil Corp (reference from a TV Show)
The company tries it's best to offer internal trainings and opportunities to progress your career but the trainings are more often than none these simple "time planning/management" or "communication skills" which are basics that should be taught to you in school or university. The company should offer more personalized trainings where the person may chose an online course relevant to their actual work and not just these default trainings...