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524 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 4,6Weiterempfehlung: 92%

524 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

468 Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihren Bewertungen weiterempfohlen. Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 38 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

An amazing journey with a sad ending

Nicht empfohlen
FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Dynatrace Austria in Linz gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The product, the talents we have got, the benefits and the history. I can look back at my journey with this company and feel good about what I achieved and learned. Which I am very thankful for.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The focus on getting good results for the share holders. Especially when that is achieved by taking from the employees.
Recent incentives for cost savings and the laughable merit increase rate while we hear about all the great deals we got and how many new customers are acquired in the all-team meetings. This just doesn't feel right.
Also the recent layoffs and communication about it combined with the introduction of the "success factors" is installing fear in many employees.


Slow down. A global approach is okay but shouldn't be the sole focus. Honor your employees more than the shareholders. It's not too late to fix it but if we continue with the current direction I am very much afraid that we will loose a lot of very good people.


Employees feel insecure and being looked at from management. Recent developments in regards to success factors, layoffs, communication about those and even the work model change has left a very sour taste in many mouths.
Overall I feel like the atmosphere is strongly decreasing and has reached - yet again - a new all-time low.


We're doing a great job with PR as the outside view is still marvellous. Unfortunately over the last few years the image on the inside has drastically changed. Employees are no longer (as) proud (as they used to) to work for Dynatrace.


Unfortunately this decreased a lot lately. Employees being "motivated" to go to the office on fixed days, changes to the work model in general which reduced the flexibility very significantly and lastly the "need to perform" that was recently introduced. All of those are reducing the meaning of work-life-balance and my colleagues are often pointing out that they're heavily under pressure, feel insecure and some even hint towards looking for an alternative job. This should be a huge red flag to any employer but more often then not this only reaches deaf ears.


Technical training is good, there's plenty of offers to spend your working hours on training. Actual career steps is a different topic. It can be extremely frustrating to "climb the ladder" as those above you are expecting so much more than they had to provide when they were in your shoes. Sometimes your ideas in these workshops are taken and sold as their own idea.


It is okay, but not out of the ordinary. Salary for new hires is usually good but the yearly increases can be a joke. Not being able to match inflation is a net pay cut for the employees rather than a rise.
There's benefits that help to overlook the salary issues but eventually a good monthly payment is what most people will be looking for over anything else.


With Software Engineers and the teams themselves it's pretty good - at least in my department. Nevertheless the higher up you go, the more elbow-culture is established and you either try to be on the good side with the managers there, or you'll be having an extremely difficult time to get anything heard.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Long-term employees do not get the treatment they would deserve. While a fresh set of minds is healthy and important. The expertise and knowledge of the older employees is crucial to provide the best solution.


The higher up, the worse it gets. Unfortunately it's a shark tank by now and everyone is just trying to get higher than others. Especially mid-level management is pretty screwed as employees will come to you to complain but you cannot change or sometimes even voice their opinions any further.


The offices are good. For some it's too open spaced and noisy. There's a constant struggle for meeting rooms.


From open and transparent to vague and with a lot of flowers. Communication from the US is usually very "polished" with many words that hide the actual (sometimes harsh) message very well. You read a lot but get very little...


Generally good. I think the company is very much trying to provide a fair environment for anyone.

Interessante Aufgaben

I think this is where the company still shines. There's a good focus on new technologies and - depending on your area of work - interesting tasks. But there's also a lot of mundane work, legacy support and tedious tasks.
With the current company size there's often a wild-west situation where multiple teams are looking into the same technologies and are not aware (or ignorant) of another team's work.


HilfreichHilfreich?1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen

Good company with great work-life balance.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Dynatrace Austria GmbH in Wien gearbeitet.


Good comparing to Austrian standard, low compared to APM industry







Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben


Don‘t believe the advertising

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Dynatrace Austria GmbH in Wien gearbeitet.


Since they‘ve started monitoring when employees are in the office and when they‘re online, it‘s hard to say that the atmosphere is good from the employer side. Other colleagues aren‘t the problem, the dictator-style management is.


Outside image of the company is very good because of marketing efforts. Inside the company, employees are overworked and very frustrated.


Some years ago this was different, but now they‘ve made a lot of changes that prohibit flexibility. Higher up managers are allowed to reduce hours, step out of work for a few hours to do things, but new employees are expected to work hard and not take breaks more than 10 minutes at a time. It seems those with closer ties to America get less flexibility, so if you happen to get a good manager in Europe, they usually won‘t have a problem. Again, it depends on who is running the team. Europeans wanting to get a pat on the back from America will do almost anything to their fellow employees to throw them under the bus.


Very average for Europe. Raises are usually very low per year and the leadership is very reluctant to give out raises just for doing your job. No transparency on what criteria you must meet for raises and promotions. There has been a new framework implemented but its very basic and doesnt give the employee a clear path forward of what skills must be acquired to move up.


All for appearances, there‘s no sustainable way forward.


This depends on which department you‘re in, but on the whole the other colleagues are pleasant, nice, and do a great job. The higher up you go, the more narcissistic and power hungry the people become. It is essentially like any other toxic corporate company.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

On the whole very pleasant but again, it depends where you are in the world and which team.


Depends on who and which team, which is sad. Some managers care about you developing and succeeding. Some that are concentrated on their own career won‘t care and if you ask for feedback, often nothing is given. Many colleagues have told me that their requests for feedback were not met. No internal programs for development for most teams. They only want people to do the work to keep the machine running.


Communication from leadership to the employees is polished and dishonest. They won‘t release the real reasons behind firing so many hard working employees. I suspect this is due to the American leadership team wanting to make sure everyone is giving 130%. If you‘re not burnt out, they want you out.


Many employees have faced racism, discrimination from other employees (sometimes unknowingly) based on sexual preference/mental health. Its very much an organisation that focuses on being like the rest. If you have a problem, you are the problem.

Interessante Aufgaben

Very monotonous tasks right now and no room for innovation.



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Very shiny from the outside

Nicht empfohlen
FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Dynatrace Austria in Linz gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The horrible communication and the very bad treatment of employees when it comes to Feedback.


It can be quiet hard to get promoted, sometimes there will just be a new person from the outside to fill a higher position.


For all the shiny Trainings and Processes that would be there to better manage, none if it is actually happening in real life.


The internal Communication especially from the top is very badly handled and often just dishonest.
When they rolled out new rules for home office, they basically changed all the rules and just tried to sell it as an advantage to the employees, while a lot of people lost the benefits that were promised to them while hiring.









Interessante Aufgaben

1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich6Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


Employer Branding & Communications Teamemployerbranding.austria@dynatrace.com

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We regret to hear about your experience with communication surrounding policy changes. We invest in the training and development of our people managers, helping them build team environments that are respectful and collaborative. Rest assured, we‘ll address these issues and implement measures to ensure that our managers have access and are equipped to effectively support and empower their teams. As for career development, we encourage you to discuss your career goals with your manager as they will support your career growth with regular feedback sessions. Your feedback is invaluable as we work to create a positive and supportive environment for all employees.

mein bester Arbeitgeber in meiner bisherigen Berufslaufbahn

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Dynatrace Austria GmbH in Linz gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Die mögliche work-life-balance, die Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten, die Möglichkeit sich verwirklichen zu können, die Benefits








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben


sensationelle Arbeitsbedingungen, außergewöhnliche Kommunikations- und Weiterbildungskultur, hohes Niveau, super Team.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Dynatrace Austria GmbH in Klagenfurt gearbeitet.


locker, professionell, entspannt, fokussiert


4 extra freie Tage - Dynatrace Wellness-Days und vieles mehr. Sensationell.


Gehalt sehr ok. Zusatzleistungen / Angebote sensationell.


Bis jetzt noch nirgendwo besser erlebt. Gute, faire Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe mit vielen Möglichkeiten und Instrumenten zur Erhaltung der Qualität der Zusammenarbeit


Bei einem Konflikt in einem anderen Team erlebt, dass äußerst wertschätzend, hilfsbereit und konstruktiv an einer Lösung gearbeitet wird - von allen Ebenen aus.


Super Büro, super Arbeitsgerät, höhenverstellbare Tische, Frühstücksbar, gratis Cafe/Tee/Drinks und und und.


sehr gute und schnelle Kommunikationskanäle, vor allem für die Größe der Firma, flache Hierarchien, man kann mit allen in Kontakt treten, bekommt schnelle und konstruktive Rückmeldungen


es wird sehr viel Wert auf Gleichberechtigung, Diversität, ..., gelegt und dazu gibt es auch regelmäßig Schulungen

Interessante Aufgaben

Interessante Aufgaben in der täglichen Arbeit. Sehr gute Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und Unterstützung in technischen Bereichen als auch in Soft-Skills - wenn man diese in Anspruch nehmen will.




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


Unlike any other Austrian tech company, with its benefits and negatives

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Dynatrace Austria GmbH in Linz gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

A certain kind of person probably thrives in a company like this. If you like working super hard, playing office politics, and enjoy typical American corporate culture, you'll love this and you'll have the chance to make it pretty far and build likely a very nice carreer here. It wasn't for me and it didn't meet my expectations, but for many other people, it's a great fit.


Communications training for certain top level executives. Empower your empathic local leadership rather than centralizing all decision making in the US. A company of this spread across the globe is not going to ever have a functional monoculture, so stop trying to create it by force. Actually listen to your employees and don't just pretend to. Allocate budget to reward and retain employees.


Externally/towards customers and shareholders: probably pretty good.
Internally, the image of the company is crumbling for the aforementioned reasons and everything that has already been mentioned in other reviews.


There are plenty of opportunities and ways to build out your carreer. Getting noticed by your manager in order to get those positions or roles will require some office politics and friend-making on your part. Just doing good work is not enough in a company with thousands of employees - you have to make yourself visible if you want to get noticed and not remain anonymous.


Short story: salary is decent to good (at least when I started). Additional perks are very good.

Long story: don't expect yearly raises ("merit increases") to keep up with inflation. The only way to keep up with inflation or to beat it by a negligable amount is to get promoted every single year. Otherwise, expect your effective salary to steadily decrease over the years. For a company that loves to boast about its increasing year over year revenue to its shareholders AND, perhaps more frustratingly, to its employees during its quarterly updates, this is laughable and inexcusable. There is NO room for negotiating your salary outside the yearly "merit cycle". So if you're not happy with what you're getting paid, expect to wait a full year to get an insulting 5% increase.


I don't think any particular effort is made in this regard besides the absolute minimum requirements.


Caveat: local leadership (in Austria) is mostly excellent - this would easily have been a 5 star rating if I was considering only them. Everything about how US leadership is completely tanking the spirit of the company has already been mentioned in other reviews, so refer to that.


Greatly depends on the location you're working in (in Austria). Anywhere from good (small offices for 4-6 people) to pretty unbearable (large, loud open spaces).




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Interessante Aufgaben

2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich9Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


Employer Branding & Communications Teamemployerbranding.austria@dynatrace.com

Thank you for sharing your detailed insights about your experience with our company, we take your concerns seriously. We’re sorry that your time with us did not meet your expectations, and we value your input as we strive to continuously improve. While change is necessary for growth, we understand that these times can be challenging. We invest in the training and development of our people managers, helping them build team environments that are respectful, collaborative, and appreciative. Fairness and growth opportunities are essential for all employees. We encourage a constant discussion on performance enablement between all employees and their managers. We want our employees to grow with us and we’re looking forward to consistent discussions to reward and identify career milestones and opportunities for each team member.

We’re committed to our environmental, social, and governance goals as we aim for a more sustainable future through transparency and accountability. If you’d like to learn more, check out our Global Impact Report: https://assets.dynatrace.com/en/docs/ebook/bae5380-ebk-global-impact-report-2023.pdf In addition, we understand that compensation is an important aspect of job satisfaction. We’re continually assessing our salary structures to remain competitive in the market, as well as offering annual competitive merit increases and promotion cycles, among various other benefits. Your feedback has been shared with our People & Culture leaders, as we’re committed to learning from your feedback and making the necessary adjustments to foster a better working environment.

Best of luck in your future endeavors,
Laura from the People & Culture team

Wie aus dem Linzer IT Wunder ein globaler, börsennotierter IT Konzern wurde...

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Dynatrace Austria GmbH in Linz gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Seltene und schwierige technische Herausforderungen. Qualität statt Quantität. Flexibilität durch HomeOffice und flexible Arbeitszeiten. Moderne Büros. Gutes weltweites Produkt image und dadurch auch keine Probleme in der aktuell angespannteren Wirtschaftslage.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Führungsstil, Werte und Kommunikation im "modern-amerikanischen Public Company Stil" anstelle der ehrlichen, aufrichtigen und direkten Kommunikation & Führungsstils, welche man früher von Dynatrace gewohnt war.
Die diesjährige Gehaltsanpassung, die einen erheblichen Reallohnverlust bedeutet.


Förderung einer lokalen Standortkultur statt einer globalen Unternehmenskultur. Mehr Wertschätzung für langjährige Mitarbeiter. Feedback sollte ernster genommen werden!
Erhöhung der Gehälter (Inflationsausgleich sollte das Minimum sein!, hochspezialisiertes Fachwissen muss honoriert werden)


In der eigenen Abteilung sehr gut, darüber hinaus wird in den letzten Jahren vieles immer abstrakter und man hat das Gefühl, dass die "Manager" den Bezug zu den vielen Mitarbeitern verlieren. Deshalb werden manche Entscheidungen falsch getroffen.


Image intern und extern stimme früher komplett über ein, in den letzten Jahren driftet das auseinander. Extern das perfekt PR image, intern leider etwas bröckelnd.


Urlaub kann immer problemlos genommen werden. ZA auch. Mehrere zusätzliche freie Tage, auch "Wellnessdays" genannt, pro Jahr. Die Wochenstunden können relativ leicht geändert werden. Viele Verbesserungen in den letzten Jahren (verpflichtende ÜS Pauschale wird nicht mehr angeboten und besteht nur noch bei Altverträgen, Einführung von Wellnessdays, usw.)


Die Karrieremöglichkeiten sind vielfältig. Auch jungen Mitarbeitern wird bei entsprechender Motivation viel Verantwortung übertragen.


Gehalt ok, wird von den Vorgesetzten aber mit lokalen Firmen verglichen, die natürlich was ganz anderes machen. Im Vergleich zu Konkurrenzfirmen schlecht, aber die entwickeln auch in anderen Ländern und so wird hier immer der passende Vergleich herangezogen, um einem zu sagen, dass man ja e gut verdient und zufrieden sein soll. Die diesjährige Erhöhung war leider sehr gering und lag weit unter der Inflation. Gründe für die schwache Anpassung wurden nicht genannt, Forderungen wurden einfach abgewürgt und das trotz eines starken Geschäftsjahres. Enttäuschend


Im ESG-Bericht werden selbstverständlich alle möglichen Claims abgesteckt und auch gehalten. Was mich hier ärgert, ist das Verhalten vieler Mitarbeiter in diesem Bereich. Da brennt am schönsten Tag das Licht in den Büros, Licht & Fernseher werden beim Verlassen der Besprechungsräume nicht ausgeschaltet etc. Auch die Gebäudesteuerung könnte ein Feintuning vertragen, in vielen Phonebooths brennt morgens automatisch das Licht mit voller Helligkeit. Energiesparen scheint keine Priorität zu haben, wäre aber die einfachste und am leichtesten zu realisierende Möglichkeit, in einem Bürogebäude etwas Positives zu bewirken. Im Hinblick auf die Büroerweiterung werden ein paar PV-Module auf dem Dach installiert, eine sehr gute Verbesserung.


Hier kommt es sehr auf die Abteilung und das Team an. Ich habe das große Glück, in einem unglaublich guten Team zu arbeiten, in dem ein sehr freundschaftliches Verhältnis herrscht und jeder jedem hilft und von jedem lernt. Zwischen den Teams in den Abteilungen ist es auch sehr gut, natürlich lernt man im Laufe der Zeit immer mehr Leute besser kennen. Auch einzelne Personen aus den verschiedensten Abteilungen. Aber das reicht mir auch. Ich muss nicht mit jedem in der Firma befreundet sein.


Direkte Vorgesetzte sehr gut. Top level Leadership aber in den letzten Jahren leider katastrophal. Dinge werden zurechtgebogen, schöngeredet, Fehler werden nicht zugegeben und ein ehrliches "Sorry" für Fehler, die natürlich jedem mal passieren können, hätt ich noch nie gehört. Im Moment kommen scheinbar alle großen Entscheidungen von der amerikanischen Führung, diese Entscheidungen passen aber manchmal nicht so wirklich zu den europäischen Standorten.


Das Büro im "25er Turm" in Linz ist so gut wie neu. Schön gebaut und wirklich eines, wenn nicht das beste Büro in Linz. Alle 3 Jahre gibt es einen neuen, leistungsstarken Laptop, so dass alles sehr gut läuft. Die Besprechungsräume sind gut ausgestattet. Internet und die ganze Infrastruktur funktionieren sehr gut.


Informationen über das Unternehmen: Oft nur per Mail / Blog Posts wird über neue große Änderungen informiert. Oder manchmal auch in großen 1-seitigen Meetings. Dadurch fehlt oft die direkte Feedbackschleife und das Feedback muss Wochen oder Monate später sehr aufwendig kommuniziert werden.

Arbeitsbedingt: Im Team sehr informell und unkompliziert, mit anderen Teams auch sehr gut. Abteilungsübergreifend oft ein Glücksspiel, was aber aufgrund der Größe auch sehr schwierig und nicht überraschend ist.


Amerikanisches Gleichberechtigungsverständnis, meiner Meinung nach mit europäischer Kultur nur bedingt vereinbar. Einteilung in Herkunfts- und Geschlechtergruppen. Bestimmte Gruppen werden bei der Suche nach neuen Mitarbeitern bevorzugt, um die "Diversity" zu verbessern. Ob dies aus gutem Willen/Einstellung oder wirklich nur für den ESG-Bericht und aktuelle (Investoren)Trends geschieht, muss jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.

Interessante Aufgaben

Sehr teamabhängig, in meinem glücklichen Fall extrem interessant und hochspezialisiert. Technisch sehr anspruchsvoll und es wird sehr viel Wert auf Qualität gelegt.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich8Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


Employer Branding & Communications Teamemployerbranding.austria@dynatrace.com

Thank you for providing such detailed feedback about your experience. Your thoughts on our flexibility, offices, and product are what we strive for. However, we take your concerns seriously, especially regarding the leadership style, communication, and salary adjustments. Transparent communication is key, and we’ve implemented various ongoing projects to keep the organization informed, as well as collect feedback. Regarding salary adjustments, we understand your disappointment, and we apologize for any frustration caused. Our team is consistently reviewing our compensation structure to ensure it aligns with market standards and adequately recognizes the contributions of our talented employees. In addition, we offer various benefits that support the total well-being of our people including paid time off programs, flexible work options, employee assistance programs, and more.

We're encouraged by your attention to our energy-saving measures and deeply value your suggestions for improvement. We're refining our building controls and encouraging responsible energy use among our team. The upcoming installation of photovoltaic panels is just one part of our continuous commitment to a sustainable future. Diversity and inclusion are core to our culture. We celebrate all forms of diversity and strive for an inclusive, respectful workplace. Your feedback is important, and we encourage ongoing communication with your lead. Your points have been shared with our People & Culture team.

Thanks again,
Laura from the People & Culture team

Only a (Dyna)trace of it's past left

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Dynatrace Austria GmbH in Linz gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

With it's undeniable global market presence, the topics and challenges that are worked on inside the R&D department outshine all of the other mundane and often repetative technological challenges that other companies in the austrian IT sector have to offer.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The drastic change in the corporate culture and the rise of office politics are erroding what was once a proud software engineering company.


Communication: Stop "selling" things to the employees via e-mails full of marketing buzzwords. Transport decisions verbally and in-person via empathic and well-regarded local leaders, that will go above and beyond to explain why things are decided the way they are and most importantly addressing concerns from the get-go.

Career: (Further) separate the organizational and technical leadership in the form of e.g. Staff Engineers that can properly judge and value engineering performances in order to stop good engineering talent to become (more) disheartened.

I think it is not to late to turn around the ship, however, it needs an earnest shift in leadership culture to stop from a brain-drain in the near future.


The image, in my opinion, is as of late taking a hit both internally and externally as the communication issues mentioned above are clouding the opinion of many longtime Dynatracers.


With the massive growth and corporatization over the past years it feels as if engineering performance has become more or less a non-factor in career growth. Playing the game of office politics has become more and more commonplace amongst peers and seems to be a more viable strategy for career advancement.


It feels as if all of the enviromental efforts are done to reach ESG goals in order to appease the market and shareholders - a classical case of "greenwashing" so to say.


Open, bright, and overall lovely offices across all continents.


It becomes more and more apparent that most of the decision-making is now done by the leadership team in the US, which in my personal opinion, simply cannot transport any decision no matter what gravitas with any emotionally intelligent nuance. Instead, employees are simply steamrolled by new polices with buzzword-laden corporate newspeak.

On the upside, it does feel at times that the remaining leadership in Austria, which I think is often outnumbered, is fighting the good fight and trying to counteract the corporatization of what was once a pragmatic and lean company.





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Interessante Aufgaben

1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich7Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


Employer Branding & Communications Teamemployerbranding.austria@dynatrace.com

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. We’re glad to hear your positive remarks about our global market presence and the exciting challenges tackled within our R&D department. However, we’re equally concerned about the challenges you've outlined regarding corporate culture and the rise of office politics. We strive to promote a positive employee experience, as we’ve implemented various new in-person and remote culture initiatives in our efforts to do so. Communication is also an area we’re continuously improving as we aim for open and transparent communication across the organization, balancing appropriate timing and audience. Company-wide news emails, town hall Q&As, and All Team meetings are some ways we provide transparency within our team. Our commitment to our environmental, social, and governance goals help us aim for a more sustainable future through transparency and accountability. If you’re interested in learning more about our ESG initiatives, check out our Global Impact Report: https://assets.dynatrace.com/en/docs/ebook/bae5380-ebk-global-impact-report-2023.pdf

Please reach out to your direct lead to discuss professional development opportunities as we offer a strong feedback culture along with a career development model to develop your competencies and progress in your career. Together, we’ll set goals for you to accomplish by providing self-assessments, external 360° feedback evaluations, feedback discussions, and more. Your insights are invaluable, and we’ve shared them with our People & Culture leadership.

All the best,
Laura from the People & Culture team

US Leadership is tanking the company

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Dynatrace Austria in Linz gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The topics and the product we work on and my team is great

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The company is not about creating great products anymore. It is about ESG goals and ESG goals only. We claim that we want everyone to be valued and we want to win with integrity, but a lot of people do not feel valued anymore and the response is: suck it up. Internal ratings are also an all time low and the response is: "it is due to stress", which is not the case.


Replace the People and Culture team in the U.S and get the company on track again.


It is not about making great software anymore. ESG goals are the number 1 priority


External Image: Very good from what I hear. Internal Image: Plummeting.


Quite a bit of stress, but also no problem to go on vacation or take a day off. Recent changes in the work model made it mandatory to return to the office at least 2 days a week, which was a big change (which was also communicated very dishonest again)


Getting approval to go to a conference is as hard as finding a unicorn. Planning needs to be done for the full next year. Somehow traveling is on a tight budget when it comes to some things, but then again you can see people regularly travel.


Quite good


Company itself has initiatives, employees could be more attentive. Wasting energy by keeping electronics running all day is not really necessary.


In your own team it is great, on capability level good, outside of that only between the employees who have been here for a longer time.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Older colleagues are valued as they have a lot of knowledge. Nobody was discriminating against them, but nowadays it is an offence to discriminate against people who are 40+ (not against younger people though), so a lot of tip toeing is going on.


Rapidly changing. It is all about controlled communication, specific phrases to not offend anyone and trying to avoid direct answers at all costs.


Pretty good in Linz, since we have nice offices and a lot of amenities. Vienna Lab with the open space concept is horrible though.


Communication by the Leadership team is often dishonest or just marketing phrases. Austrian based communication is mostly much more honest, but you can see the US influence regularly


Instead of valuing everyone equally (which is supposedly one of our top goals), people are separated into all kinds of groups, which are all celebrated with tons of flyers and advertisement to the point that I am moving this communication to the spam folder automatically. If you are a man (and white), don't expect anything from this company.

Interessante Aufgaben

From a technical perspective, very interesting work. No complaints on that end.

1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich7Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


Employer Branding & Communications Teamemployerbranding.austria@dynatrace.com

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Our commitment to our product is equally as important as our commitment to our people. Fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment is essential, and we’re committed to addressing these challenges. Our leadership team is consistently working on improving communication as we strive for continuous, open and transparent communication across the organization. We recognize that a strong work-life balance is key to your success, and we’re glad to hear that you’re enjoying our paid time off programs.

Every team member is equally important and we’re proud to have team members from diverse backgrounds, identities, and perspectives, as we foster an inclusive culture where individuality is valued, and integrity is deeply embedded in everything we do. Professional development is key to your career journey, and we encourage you to reach out to your direct lead to learn more about our growth opportunities. We’ve shared your feedback with our People & Culture leadership.

We appreciate your feedback,
Laura from the People & Culture team

Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Basierend auf 687 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird Dynatrace Austria durchschnittlich mit 4,6 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt über dem Durchschnitt der Branche IT (4 Punkte). 93% der Bewertenden würden Dynatrace Austria als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Ausgehend von 687 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Image, Arbeitsatmosphäre und Kollegenzusammenhalt den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
  • Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 687 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich Dynatrace Austria als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Kommunikation noch verbessern kann.