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Traditional and not professional towards employees and customers

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Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Quentic GmbH in Berlin gearbeitet.


Appoint competent and professional people in leadership positions.


The atmosphere got worse after AMCS acquisition. A lot of negative internal politics being played which leads to a lack of trust among everyone. There are also toxic behaviours and comments among some colleagues, and calling this out is not encouraged.


Company strategy is vague and therefore the direction is not straightforwardly communicated.


There is unresolved conflict between some departments and persistent lack of trust towards each other. Since there is no strategy everyones follows themselves and tries to save themselves from a boat which is already sinking.


Work from home is possible, but you will find colleagues online and sending emails during weekends or during their holidays. Clearly a red flag.


Managers tell their teams that they cannot influence any decision towards upper management, therefore managers do not really protect their teams needs or wishes. Not professional. Every single decision needs to be approved by leadership: exhausting level of micromanagement.

Interessante Aufgaben

After the AMCS acquisition, tasks are mostly oriented towards satisfying new sales to hit the numbers, existing customers are not the focus anymore. Product quality and employee morale are therefore decreasing.


Gender diversity does not really exist in the workforce and even less in management positions. It is not uncommon to sit in meetings where we are all men or only just one female colleague. There is a lot of mansplaining towards female colleagues during interactions.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There is lack of diversity in all aspects of diversity. Many colleagues have been in the company forever, which means they only know how things work in this company and have not developed new skills (both technical nor soft).


Old systems and tools


The company prides themselves about ESG, but it is just marketing. Internally and specially in the S part, the company does not seem to provide equal opportunities and some male colleagues are promoted to positions for unclear reasons. Also, some requests are rejected for some employees while others can still enjoy them (e.g., further training, working remotely abroad). There is a lack of social policies and when they exist, only HR is aware.
The company does not invest in their employees. Also not surprising why they are building a big development team in the Philippines and not hiring for developers in Europe anymore.


Salary and benefits are below what other companies in same industry offer or for similar development positions. One benefit they proudly promote is "Fresh fruit and healthy drinks at the offices" which they do not realise that the fact of promoting this as an employee benefit is a joke. Rather increase everyone's salaries please!


The company tries to sell the idea they care about "ESG". But this is not internally implemented in corresponding policies, since almost no one knows what ESG is, including leadership.


Managers do not transparently communicate for all employees equally whether there is budget for further training and they will discourage it. Seems like budget is tight for these things despite the company acquiring other companies and opening new and huge facilities in the Philippines.

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