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Intransparent and strongly hierarchical

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I’m writing all this in English because my contract in German had some very restrictive clauses that I hope that the incoming internationals are able to understand and given the case, to discuss


On the first day we met outside the office (my second working day), one teammate mentioned something was not going as expected regards the workflow, but was rather afraid afterwards of giving more information about who was doing something wrong or what it was exactly, and was repeatedly enquired to do so. It was my first time with the full team & team leader and it was a weird situation. More similar situations were observed the following days


Intransparent, big misunderstandings happened


The colleagues that act as mentors are great people, very helpful


Some benefits described in the job advertisement won’t become true until a certain moment, which might remain unknown for a long time. “Unlimited” Home-office is not going to happen, probably also not even for the seniors. They promise to contribute for the Klima-Ticket, but that was not going to happen in my case until 3 months after starting, even though the “contribution” was an amount of around 20€ per month.


The one star here doesn’t apply to the software developers department

Interessante Aufgaben

As a consultant: The tasks that are presented to you in the „taster day“ (Schnuppertag) don't necessarily have to be the same you receive after being appointed

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





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