527 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
527 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
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Jetzt Profil vervollständigen527 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
- I really enjoyed the interview process in itself: it was genuine, supportive and authentic. I felt valued and it left me with a pleasant feeling.
- Leading up to the interview, there was a bit of back-and-forth via email because I had received a cancelation email on the meeting slot I had "chosen". This was somehow a "mistake" cancelation email. This wasn't a problem though!
-Everything was very professional, on time and to the point.
-Maybe a less rushed office tour would have been nice, but that happens and we all need to get back to work!
-It's great to have feedbacks on my presentation so that I can better it for the second interview.
-It would be interesting to learn more about the design team and the company's work culture.
The interviewees were very professional, friendly and curious about me throughout the whole process and I felt very welcome and respected by the company.
I would have liked just a short introduction about the company and what I could expect from the everyday life there. But I think this was also because of the short time frame of the interview.
Other than that, I felt very happy about the interview and I left with a very good impression of the company.
Participants created a good environment to present work without being nervous. Interesting questions were asked.
The application and interview process I underwent was very good! I had prompt and professional contact via email with the recruitment team and the interview was easy to set up and informative. The interviewers gave a complete and insightful overview of KISKA and daily life and made me feel at ease.
The only thing I could recommend for improvement is that due to the three interviewers wearing masks, I couldn't always tell reliably who was talking to me! It wasn't a problem, but I can imagine it might lead to an embarrassing mistake by a future candidate.
I appreciate the fast and transparent application process system as well as a friendly interview with a possibility to find out how the company works.
I would appreciate more feedback and opinion on my chances to be hired for the position.
Es war ein sehr entspanntes Gespräch mit zwei kompetenten Personen.
Es war ein Online-Meeting mit State-of-the-Art Quality.
Etwas gefehlt hat eine Beschreibung welchen Typen von Persönlichkeit sie genau suchen bzw. welche Auswahlkriterien relevant sind - bis zu weiteren Informationen schwebt man sehr in der Luft.
very efficient and informative
open and friendly atmosphere
- presentation of company and job position
- objective questions
- very gentle and communicative
Could improve:
- time of interview so the candidate could have the chance to make one or two questions or a quick chat
- Give details of the specific position that the candidate apply such as what is expected, how it works, onboarding, team.
I had a great experience with my interviwers, they were objective and communicative, I only felt a lack of opportunity for questioning or chat about the position/job or maybe just explain that questions and chat come in the last step of the interview
Thanks for the opportunity
So verdient kununu Geld.