Not worth the hype
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Office location is great.
Be more honest and direct to employees and clients.
The atmosphere amongst the design team is generally very good. Unfortunately a few too many with egos bigger than they deserve.
Senior management and partners are extremely poor at communicating what they would like from the design team. Feedback is not direct and creative direction is wishy washy.
Personalities often get in the way of progress.
Interns and junior designers are encouraged to work for free on evenings and weekends. Overtime is often required due to the very tight deadlines. The partners squeeze as much out of you as possible and that loyalty is unfortunately one-sided.
A certain partner that is without fail 10-15minutes late for any meeting. No respect for others time. No consideration for work life balance. Management not familiar with process and how long tasks take and therefore set unrealistic deadlines that can't be met.
Interessante Aufgaben
The work is interesting and varied.
IT equipment is pretty out of date and starting to get worn out.
For the industry the Salary is low. Pay rises are small. You have to fight for what's owed to you sometimes.
KISKA is careful about marketing a certain image. Unfortunately, only once you start working there you realize it's just marketing. The phrase "Don't meet your hero" comes to mind here.
Promotions don't seem fair and professional development and training isn't taken seriously.