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Lack of Clear Leadership and Unsustainable Strategies

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Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Meister gearbeitet.

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Meisterlabs does have its share of positives. The people are genuinely warm and there’s a good sense of camaraderie within teams. The benefits for employees are commendable and the central office location is convenient. However, these advantages are overshadowed by significant cultural and operational issues.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Leadership and Strategy: The company lacks a clear strategy, leading to constant changes and instability. Over the past year, there have been multiple departures in the leadership team, causing the sales team to adapt to more than one different leadership styles and strategic directions in just 12 months. Projects were often started, then abruptly redirected or abandoned, resulting in confusion and inefficiency.

Disproportionate Leadership to Staff Ratio: There is an imbalance in the number of leadership roles compared to executory staff. This has created a top-heavy structure that hampers effective decision-making and execution.

Overwhelmed Sales Team: The sales team, in particular, has been overwhelmed. With two key leaders working remotely from abroad while attempting to establish a sales presence in Austria, there has been a lack of cohesive and sustainable direction.

Sudden Terminations: Terminations often came without warning or explanation, adding to the overall uncertainty and lack of trust within the company.

In summary, while Meisterlabs offers some great benefits and has a friendly team environment, the lack of clear leadership and strategy, coupled with sudden changes and terminations, significantly undermines the potential for a sustainable and productive work environment.


I believe that decisive action is required, especially given the current economic situation, particularly concerning IT sales. Meisterlabs offers a good product, but in times like these, it may not be seen as an essential tool for businesses.

Strategic adjustments and a more stable leadership approach could help Meisterlabs better navigate these challenging times and maintain its relevance and value in the market.






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RabeaVP of People & Operations, Meister

Hey there!

Thanks a lot for sharing your feedback and taking the time to reflect about your tenure at Meister. I appreciate your positive words about our team, benefits and office, as well as the constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

I’d like to pick up on some of the more critical points that you’ve mentioned. Since we’re a scale-up in a highly competitive market, it is imperative for us to adapt to our external environment to succeed. Coming from a strong B2C customer base, which was largely driven through product led growth, we have refined how we approach the market, who our target audience is and how we position ourselves. That did indeed led to several changes and adjustments in our Sales Team in order to ensure it is set up for success. I'm sorry that we were not able to offer you the stability that you were hoping for during this time. We, however, believe that all adjustments were necessary to ensure we transform into the organization we need to be to be a strong EU-based partner for B2B productivity and also see that our efforts have had a positive impact on the eNPS within the Sales team, which has been in a strong area of >30 within the last two rounds of our pulse/ engagement surveys.

Again, I appreciate your feedback and thoughts. If you would like to discuss any aspect of your time at Meister further, you can always reach out to me at rabea@meisterlabs.com.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

All the best,
