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No appreciation, Dishonesty, Unprofessional

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.


Some employees are told everything transparently, but others, who need certain things for their job, are kept in the dark or even fooled. Praise is hardly ever given. Criticism is around every corner.


Most of them you have to run after to get what you need to work. It's a bit like kindergarten. Many only look out for themselves, but when it comes down to it, they are not team players. Especially the management level unfortunately.


If you're lucky, you have a cool guy by your side in your circle with whom everything runs smoothly. Beyond the circle, however, everyone is busy with themselves.


Work as much as possible for as little money as possible. It is assumed that you are available at all times of the day.
Remote working was fine for a while, then compulsory attendance was introduced, although no one really cared to use the office togetherness.
Getting leave was hardly a problem, however, as long as you submitted your leave early enough and made arrangements in good time.


We are constantly told that we are allowed and even expected to make a strong contribution, that we set complete transparency... In the end, almost everything that is productively contributed is cut off.
Supervisors regularly show up late for appointments or don't show up at all. Promises are made at every level that are not kept. You are put under pressure and made to believe many things.

Interessante Aufgaben

It really depends on what area you work in. I can at least say that project management at PROPSTER has nothing to do with project management as you know it. Filling in lists and filling in lists and filling in lists...


Everyone only has a laptop at their disposal. Mostly even a very small and quite old one. Posture problems, etc. are pre-programmed.
Requests for more ergonomic equipment are considered unnecessary and are not addressed.
Savings are made everywhere, which also leads to a lot of work being done via online telephony. The quality of this often leaves a lot to be desired and constantly gets you into unpleasant situations, as you naturally appear unprofessional.


There are actually only meal vouchers for selected employees. Also, employees are paid differently. Of course, all this gets around internally.


The hard core will praise the company to the skies. It is not for nothing that former employees are no longer there and will therefore report honestly about it.


Here, too, you are told at the beginning that the sky is blue. In reality, however, things look different.


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