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I am pretty much speechless...

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.


First off all the lack of organization needs to be solved i would say. You got people working for you so use their strengths. Introduce processes everyone has to follow.


You are sitting in a room with about 5-6 people in your department and nobody talks anything for about 8 hours. Sometimes 1-2 questions are asked and thats it. Absolutely no comradery between the employees. You can feel the tension in the air because of stress, unhappiness and lack of motivation.


Zero communication. You ask something, you get a short answer and thats it. No meetings to do some discussion about i dont know, projects, current situations, feedbacks, code reviews or anything else


I felt no honesty or cohesion here


Pretty standard as everywhere in the IT industry. You got flexible working hours. Nothing exciting.


The supervisor behaviour did pretty much not exist. The boss had no interest in organizing his company. No need to talk to his employees or distribute tasks reasonable

Interessante Aufgaben

I was in a position very they were supposed to teach me something. One person of the whole company had some interest in teaching useful things to new ones. The rest, including the supervisor was 100% not motivated to do so.


Not comfortable to work there.


minimum salary. Some social benefits, like vouchers.


Internally the image felt very poor, no employee had something good to say about the company


There was a career plan, but again pretty standard for the IT branch



Ewald KopfGF

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Ewald Kopf
