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Looks good on the outside, but a chaotic burn-out company on the inside.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei TheVentury GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

People are nice and friendly, you can try out many things, ok if you have zero experience

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Stress and time pressure, bad salary, lack of career prospects, lack of management


The atmosphere was mostly good by the time I started. Everyone was friendly.
Later on it got toxic. The leadership team tried to create a silicon-valley-like fake culture, singing their own praises, although the company was in great financial trouble and people were very dissatisfied.
Instead of listening to critique, people were silenced when they tried to talk about apparent problems. About 15-20 people left the company within 2022 because of those problems. Two IT teams practically dissolved.

Over the last years the financial situation was never good. This desperation for generating money was handed down to every single employee - so everyone was responsible to do everything they could to generate money. It was stressful. It also meant asking your private network and doing sales as an IT-person.


Often lack of communication lead to problems in projects. Unclear decision making and lack of structure. Processes were created but not followed. Tons of unproductive meetings, sometimes 5-6 in one day. General communication is done in one meeting once a week which is fine.


It was supportive and helpful between coworkers, and people tried to make it work. People were very approachable and nice. Often, people working together on projects cared much more about the quality of outcome than the management.


Work-life balance does not exist. The company tries to make its working model seem very flexible, but at the end of the day, it is only flexible for the company. Time tracking is detailed and tedious. Internal work (not booked on client) should be avoided at all costs.
They expect everyone to be personally invested, especially when it comes to the financial survival and the image of the company. This means whenever a client needs something, you have to jump. You should praise the company on social media.
Often times there was weekend work and long evenings/nights during the week, especially because of how the tasks were distributed. (this might not apply to other teams like "Growth" though)

They work "agile", but pressure everyone (at least in IT) to highly underestimate tasks. Basically you get tasks that are calculated in hours of time you can spend on them, and the time is mostly completely unrealistic and coming from the budget of the client.
Meaning: you are working under extreme time pressure to finish your work. If you don't manage, you either present shitty work to clients and or work extra hours on your own time. Most people chose the latter.


Lack of actual management and leadership. The leadership team is handing down responsibility. They set unrealistic goals and have minimal experience with people management. Good positions are given to those who never question the company, not those with the skills to do the work. People were hired and let go in the same year because of the financial situation.

Interessante Aufgaben

This was very much dependent on the projects that the agency could get. Sometimes cool projects. In the last 1-2 years, instead of software, we developed simple websites. The scope was often unclear, and expectations were not well managed. Lack of quality overall.


It does not seem highly unequal, but at least the leadership team is untouchable. It's a group of six men. I did not see female colleagues ever reach similar positions, regardless of their qualifications, work ethic, or proven success with projects and management.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

People over the age of 36 barely exist, so it's hard to say.


The hardware is suitable, I got everything I needed, also a screen for home office work. The office is difficult to work in if you must focus a lot. It's one big open space, and it's loud. If you have a position with a lot of communication and collaborative work, it can be very nice though, because people are genuinely friendly and fun. You had to leave the office and go down the elevator to a different floor to get to a toilet.


What they do is recycle trash in the office. When it comes to project work, they try to do good. But they also sell you many projects as "projects with a positive climate and social impact," but if you research the projects thoroughly, they lack this impact. It seems to be more for image and social media following.


They pay much less than the market average. Employees that worked for several years had to beg for an increase of 3-5%. Everyone I know was negotiated down during hiring.


Not good. I know of at least 3 people that left because they felt burnt out. Like I said, >15/43-47 people left within one year. The company itself does a ton for its image to attract new talent and clients. Most of the 4-5* reviews (Sept-Oct 2021) here at kununu were part of an internal marketing initiative.


Unfair and unclear career scheme, no allocated budget for education. No real mentoring and too few senior experts to learn from. People do not have time to pass on knowledge. You will sometimes have to become an expert in a new language/skill within a few days to take over a new client project. You get a few hours for self-learning.



Franziska HechtChief People & Culture Officer

Dear reviewer, 
Thank you for this response and review.  There are many topics from different areas that you mention in this review. As we have carried out a major change process in 2022, some of these topics have been addressed (new leadership, flexible times, transparent career levels and salaries, new office, clear communication, ...) - and some are still current focus topics (structure, interdisciplinary work, leading the Domains and Committees, ...). With your feedback, you will help us grow as a company and hopefully meet all the demands in this very turbulent and dynamic job market.  
If you ever want to talk about the topics in person, I invite you to join us in the new office or we are always ready for a coffee/tea in a café.  

I wish you all the best for your next journey,
Franziska Hecht
(Chief People & Culture Officer) 

Liebe*r Absender*in, 
vielen Dank für diese ehrliche Antwort und Bewertung. Es gibt viele Themen aus unterschiedlichsten Bereichen, die du in diesem Review ansprichst. Da wir im Jahr 2022 einen großen Veränderungsprozess durchgeführt haben, wurden einige dieser Themen bereits angegangen (neues Leadership, flexible Zeiten, transparente Karrierestufen und Gehälter, neues Office, klare Kommunikation, ...) - und einige sind immer noch aktuelle Schwerpunktthemen an denen wir arbeiten (Struktur, interdisziplinäre Arbeit, Führung der Domains & Committees, ...). Mit deinem Feedback hilfst du uns, als Unternehmen zu wachsen und hoffentlich allen Anforderungen in diesem turbulenten und dynamischen Arbeitsmarkt gerecht zu werden. 
Wenn du persönlich über die Themen sprechen willst, lade ich dich ein, zu uns ins neue Büro zu kommen, oder wir können uns in einem Café treffen zum Austausch. 

Ich wünsche dir alles Gute für deinen weiteren Weg,

Franziska Hecht
(Chief People & Culture Officer)
