Absolutely the worst Austrian company ever. Run away from Italians.
There were days in which the atmosphere was super relaxed, others that I had to work for a minimum of 15 hours / day. My record has been 22 hours in the office, including weekends.
As a freelancer you're not allowed in communications. Only when you have to dig shit and the tone of communication is not pleasant.
That depends on which colleagues are we talking about. Austrian colleagues are kind and ok, Italians are to be avoided at all costs. A bunch of arrogant, bossy, mobbers and frustrated people. Especially in digital channels.
Did you mean work-work balance? Working for Unicredit has prerequisites that you don't have a life. You are just a machine with knowledge.
Austrian bosses don't count. They have no say. We do as Milan says.
Interessante Aufgaben
Projects with technology from the Dinosaur era. If you only knew what is behind that online banking, I doubt you would have an account there.
As external, you have no rights. To have an access card I waited 4 months. Maybe they wanted me to work from the street downstairs.
Poor, the first period I worked a minimum of 15 hours per week, I had constant pressure from Italy to delivery, they change direction every now and then. They don't even know what they want.
Austrian colleagues are really ok, but avoid Italians.
Salary was ok, but this was not a concern from them directly.
I think that behind the logo there is a big lie.
If your manager doesn't go to play games together with the Italian manager, I doubt you can make a career.