Young Environment but No Career
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Young Colleagues and horizontal hierarchy
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- No career and Meritocracy.
- there is no feedback for employees or rewards in case of good performance
- very low work-life balance in controlling. During closing people work until late night even 11 PM due to lack of organization. This is also the reason that company prefer young colleagues and there are no over 35 years old. Almost nobody has childreen in the company and specially in the controlling department.
- Best positions are taken by Brazilians sent from the HQ in Brazil
Invest in people by providing training and giving regularly feedback.
In case of good performance give a reward, making people proud of wroking in BRF. The potential of this company is high but managment is so poor that it influences badly the entire company. Invest also in the structure of organization. You cannot change people and processes every year. Keep what it works and fix what it does not.
Stop bringing managers from Brazil and start hiring people from EU which understand better this market.