Let's make work better.

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A good working environment with excellent possibilities for personal improvement & growth!

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Young and motivated people from whom you can learn a lot of stuff
Possibility to try out new things and suggest ideas
Ability to always work with the latest technologies
Possibility to work 2 days per week from home office (when it's not pandemic)
Possibility to work all the time for home office during the COVID-19 pandemic
Flat structure

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Sometimes as the company is progressing fast it can be felt a little bit chaotic, but this is usually fastly resolved


Improve the cross-unit communication
Except for the outstanding coffee, tea, beer, and wine will be good to have some more non-alcoholic drinks available


Really nice and spacious office, quiet and cozy working environment


Communication within the colleagues inside of the same unit is really working well, but definitely, there could be improvements in cross-unit communication. The company has a flat structure and it's easy to communicate as well with top management in cases when it's needed.


Most of the time good, but 3/5 only because when it's about cross-unit communication which sometimes can be tricky.


There is in place standard working time from 09-17:30, in rare occasions, it happens that you need to stay up to 1-2h longer, but this is like everywhere.


The superiors are always available for all questions/concerns which you can have as an employee.

Interessante Aufgaben

The company is doing really interesting stuff and it's willing to experiment and adopt new practices and technologies which makes me as an employee really satisfied since I am constantly learning and adopting new interesting stuff and knowledge.


Employees in the tech unit are an international team, everyone is treated fairly and equally like it should be.


The company offers to their employees the possibility to pick their work equipment based on their needs. As the office is an open-space company is as well providing the Noice Cancelling headphones which sometimes really help even tho in the general office is not noisy.


Salaries in the Tech Unit are delegated according to the defined Tech Career Track. Each employee knows what is the pay scale for the position he is working on which is really great and transparent as I as an employee exactly know what I need to provide and achieve in order to earn more money.


The company is investing a lot of money in consultancy and employee training. They also empower and support individuals who want to have special courses, certifications, or visits to a conference in Europe. As the team is non-German speaking, the company is organizing voluntary free german classes with professional language teachers in the office once per week.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


