Sweeter than Franz Sacher’s cake
The place is really beautiful. In my previous experiences, I had run out of will to work because of the place itself, but here it is different as the environment provided is magnificent.
The atmosphere created by the colleagues adds up to this factor and makes it even better. People are respectful, and most times on a good mood.
There is a structural organization in every sector of work here that makes the communication really easy.
Its really fun to work here as the colleagues, without any distinction on ethnicity, race or age, are respectful and really good to work with, fun to be around and have fruitful discussions abot our workplace, not excluding other activities as well.
Sometimes being a full time student also makes it a bit stressful but that is just at times.
Amazing. Our supervisors never look down on us, they try to create such a working space where everyone is equal.
Interessante Aufgaben
There are interesting tasks at times.