Home Office with Team Spirit
Open, honest, inspirational working environment, despite of the home-office setup, you can have in depth discussions when you need to
Everybody does his/her best, but sometimes it is too much, or not enough. it is in the nature of communication that it is seldom perfect, but a close to perfect is also a very good status in the middle of a pandemic :)
Almost touching how much support you get from other colleagues if you are in need, even if it is a good word over the phone or a friendly mail. We appreciate each others work and it feels very good.
I cannot really imagine a better setup than this, I get every support I need - I rather blame the homeschooling system for the missing star
The management team as well as my own supervisor are leading the way - you feel them, hear them, see them and they are always there for us
Interessante Aufgaben
do you have one more star here to add? the projects are interesting, the frameworks got challenging but not always impossible. the best condition for a constant flow experience.
"we cherish every hour you are going to spend with us" - those were the words of my supervisor when I started in 2015 as a part-time consultant with 2 kids. No matter if you work 40 or 5 hours, you are appreciated for your efforts and the good work you perform in the framework you have chosen for yourself. We leave titles, religion, orientation at the door and we respect each other.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
"Age is just a number, maturity is a choice" generations collaborates together, we complement and support each other. Digi-dinos also get chance for some virtual-glamour.
Blame the homeoffice/homeschooling for the missing star - but normally we have everything we need to perform our work well.
I am absolutely fine with our image and I am proud to represent it
you always get possibilities to improve yourself - it is kind of a "must have" for this profession