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Very exciting work, great community but structural problems and poor management.

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei ITH icoserve technology for healthcare GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Exceptionally great colleagues (good choice of people!), nice events, very interesting work

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Poor management and evasive communication around critical topics. In some cases toxic behavior of long serving employees / leads.


Modernization regarding feedback culture, career paths, better choice of leadership


Within the working teams the atmosphere is usually quite good. Exceptionally great, considering all the people that spend time together after work. It can also quickly change to a bad atmosphere when someone is critical of (management) decisions. Not really an open feedback culture!


Communication in and across teams is quite good, maybe even a little bit too much time is spent on meetings, which makes for inefficient workdays. Communication between management and employees, unfortunately, is often held-back and not honest. Critical topics like salary, career paths, etc. are often swept under the carpet. Some parts/people of the works council sometimes feel like the henchman for the upper management.


Very good, colleagues always have their back. People are friendly, helpful and fun.


It’s either chill or hell, in some teams this might switch 3 times throughout the day. It is considered normal to have a lot of overtime. However, this overtime can be paid out or taken as holidays.


This is really poor. It is clear, that the company chooses the middle management not based on their management/communication/strategy skills. As in most traditional companies, the person that has stayed the longest in the company also gets the lead position, no matter if management skills/education present. Open feedback is not welcome (even if this is said and somehow enforced by Siemens) and instead of serving time, there is not really any other way to progress in your career. In some worst cases, mentioning critique will lead to talk-behind-the-back-behavior (by the management themselves) which might go into the direction of mobbing.

Interessante Aufgaben

This company/field has a lot to offer in terms of interesting tasks and brings a feeling of doing something worthy for society and the health sector.


Diversity and equal rights are clearly not focus topics for this company, but also there are no situations, where someone is obviously treated wrong for reasons of gender/religion/. However, a company this size could highlight and treat those topics more openly.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Good, older people are welcome to stay.


Quite good. The building is a tad old but other than that the working conditions are very good. Laptops, Phones, other equipment (desks with adjustable height, good chairs) are up to good standards. There is free fruit and coffee as well as some other benefits like job tickets, etc. There are regular events like Christmas party and skiing/wellness day, which is awesome! In most teams, home office is considered normal.


Also not a focus topic for the company, but also no misssteps.


Salary could be better and connected to an actual career path with evaluation. It seems very random and the upper management likes to consider the collective agreement as a regular salary instead of the legal minimum wage. Salary talks/increases outside of the collective agreement raises are not done in a yearly matter but only when asked for and extremely tedious.


Company image is quite good, considering both shareholders (TirolKliniken and Siemens) are well known. The issue of a local company tied up with a global giant is somewhat complicated and sometimes leads to several issues.


In some teams very well, even paying for official education / licenses, in some other teams very poor. There are no official career paths and only little possibilities to get a better position.
