6 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
6 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
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Jetzt Profil vervollständigen6 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
I had a very pleasant experience interviewing for this position. I particularly liked that the provided information on their career page as values, culture and expectations matches reality and was noticeable throughout the interviews and every team member I met during the process. The interviews were structured as open conversations and I was able to learn a lot about their current projects and plans, as well as lessons learned. Their transparency and honesty was very refreshing and appreciated.
The process also involved working on a HR challenge where I was asked to work on practical examples and provide ideas which I would implement in a given situation. These were discussed in depth in the further interviews with direct feedback.
The impression I got of Journi - it seems like a great place to work at with plenty of challenging and intriguing tasks, with the culture and team being put first. They are in a rapidly growing stage as a scale-up and the only recommendation I have is to provide a clearer overview of the next stages and timeframe, which however was adressed via email communication.
More personalized and relevant questions during the interview would have been more effective than simply reading them from a script. After what I believed to be a successful interview, I received no feedback—positive or negative—for over three weeks, even after following up for an update. Although the conversation with the recruiter was satisfactory, overall, it ended up being my most negative experience to date. The company’s disappointing and disrespectful treatment of candidates has made me decide that I would not want to work there in the future. Notably, the job posting was reposted just two days ago.
Vereinbarte Rückmeldungsfristen einhalten, Erreichbarkeit sicherstellen, Ehrlichkeit bei Absagen. Mir wurde mit der Begründung abgesagt, dass ein anderer Bewerber ausgewählt wurde. Tage später wurde die Stelle neu ausgeschrieben, sie ist inzwischen seit Monaten online. Das Gespräch mit der Recruiterin war sehr in Ordnung, ansonsten war es meine bisher negativste Erfahrung. Ich würde nicht mehr für das Unternehmen arbeiten wollen, sehr enttäuschender, respektloser Umgang mit Bewerbern.
Try sticking to the estimated response dates that you share with the candidates. After one of the rounds I was told that I'll receive the details about the next round within 1-2 days and it took 4 in the end, so I thought for a while that I'm out of the process, even though I felt very happy with how the interview went. It's not that much of a difference in the end and really my only minor negative feedback on the whole process, because the rest has been just amazing in every aspect, but there's still some room for improvement in this matter :)
Make up your mind on no-go's (was asking to work during commute at the first interview, got the notice that they do not allow it, 4 weeks later, after the final round and a lot of hours invested in a take-home, commute and interviews). Plus, I was rejected "not because of that", but because I am not a good personal fit, without a reason as of why they think so. After kindly asking for an explanation, I never got a mail back. Usually I come along with people, so I just have to assume that this is a bad excuse.