Toxic work environment and no structure
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The university has a great view over Vienna
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
No real Leadership or structure
Hire competent people from the education industry and pay a decent salary
Since the new management took over, there is pure chaos in the university. Every month either employees quit or get fired. The new people, who are being hired for a minimum wage have no experience in the education industry and are expected to get the job done without any training. There is no appreciation for loyal employees. Also there is no direction or plan for the future. The new Management decides to launch new projects every few months but nothing is really successful and gets dumped after a few weeks. Also there is a transition phase for a new Campus Management System that still doesn't work after 8 months.
There is no real communication or feedback culture. The Management is doing their thing without involving the employees at all.
Work Life Balance is good
The new people who are being hired for the Lead Positions are not capable to fix the chaos that was caused by the new Management.
Minimum wage
No real possibilities to grow or to be promoted