Let's make work better.

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Due to the hardwork of the founders and those before me, it was a really good company.

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Runtastic GmbH in Wien gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Great colleagues, good benefits, the chance to develop in many different areas

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Lack of transparency, lack of measurable and attainable goals to guide our success


New management and CEO ASAP - the lack of true passion for creating a good product is evident. Lots of talking heads who don't really GAF


Really great overall - I so enjoyed the open nature of the office and being able to ask for help or give help when needed without issue. Lots of international colleagues and chance to widen your perspective


From my team and some other team leads: great. Knew what was expected of me and how to perform my best. Management was duplicitous when communicating the real situation of the company


Runtastic hired the absolute best. I made great connections here - I could really rely on my teammates and colleagues during stressful times. Everyone wanted to get the job done right.


I miss this the most. Thanks to HR, no crappy all-in contracts and comp time was available


I had a top-notch team lead who led us to success.

Interessante Aufgaben

Loved it. Developed my skills, got to work on wonderful projects, learned a lot beyond my core competencies


in my experience good but I know it was not the same across the comapny for everyone. Foreign workers made up majority of the layoffs and lots of disparity in pay among colleagues within the same team who had the same roles


Very good


Green washing


Very very good.


Supportive of colleagues who pursue further education and training

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Runtastic Human Relations
Runtastic Human Relations

Hey there,

Thank you so much for taking the time write such a thorough review - we really appreciate it. Happy to hear that you enjoyed Runtastic as a workplace and the perks we have to offer. It goes without saying that we agree 100% that the team spirit due to the bunch of international, open-minded and solution-driven peeps is truly unique for us too.

What hurts us is your perception that our Management team comes across intransparent. On the contrary: we appreciate their openness towards feedback, their weekly written updates, their monthly Management Q&A, and the respective slack channel.

However, we understand why you would think we do not care about our product (which is of course not true): We are not the feature-building factory we used to be, but rather focus on engaging our adiclub members. Since we are in the middle of finalizing our strategy (and had to lay off quite a few team members underway), we were a little lost in regards to our direction in the past year. Now, we are almost back on track and are ready to provide clarity to our team.. and - more importantly - our users.

If you have more feedback, you know where to find us.

Take care,
Monika Dauterive (People & Culture Manager)
