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Am I experiencing impostor syndrome or is this place a nuclear war zone for self-esteem?

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Remote first
- Flexible working hours
- Vetting processes which companies can be worked with - high work ethos and morale
- At the very core, this aims to be a nice, fun, warm and welcoming place to work. Really like to point out that the company's core intentions are good - but unfortunately badly executed

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Founders are too involved in operational tasks. Their knowledge would be needed on strategic decisions and making sure the company as a whole develops and evolves
- Constant micro management and feedback loops that lead to lack in self confidence and trust in own work
- Justifying bad pay with equally little salary on management level - given the nature and situation of the company's employees on the Austrian labor market (mostly Eastern European/third country citizens with at times little German), this comparison is simply inaccurate: it's not an equal situation. If the company has little money, you can: employ less but better paid people, strategically decide how to get more money into the company, focus and streamline the products and services to create more and realistic revenue and spend less money on equipment and events


- Don't micro manage but rather guide your employees towards where you want them/the product to go
- Give feedback that you think is going to make your employees grow - not turn their work into a copy of your own ways of working
- Share and spread knowledge and wisdom that clearly is there rather than discouraging individual working styles through overstructuring and micro managing tasks


Empowerment on the outside, nano management on the inside


The one thing rocking the boat


Remote first is definitely lived and allowed here


Saying employees work/life balance is valued - but actions of those in charge speak louder than words: afterhour texts and ‘as a boss you never have off’-attitude don’t model the kind of behavior that's encouraged.

The company feels more like a prestige project that lacks actions or actually functioning products to support the mission and vision. Which is a shame, because the founders are power houses with promising aspirations and interesting careers that team mates could learn from - not through the constant micromanaging of tasks and fine-tuning anything to their exact liking though.

Also, Harvard business review considers treating a work place like family a major red flag. And it is.

Interessante Aufgaben

There could be interesting areas of work if you'd actually receive the support, space and freedom to go ahead and do your job the way that you're best able to. Instead, constant control, unasked-for feedback and micromanaging turn any task into a confidence killer and you start to question your own abilities.


Mostly women, but all underpaid

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There aren't any - definitely because the salary wouldn't attract more experienced colleagues


Pretty co-working space, work from anywhere possible, flexible working hours as long as you communicate it properly


No actions in this regard


Clear trend for Eastern European employees/third country citizens/women at the very early stage of their career. Could feel like empowerment and driver for DEI, but with the way below market value salary seems like a conscious decision that allows underpayment.

Company Mac, company birthdays off, team celebrations & a retreat are nice to haves, decent pay is not.


Personally feel like the company overestimates its image & presents itself like a bigger deal when working there than it actually is. Those who know it do have a positive image in mind - the majority of companies/people don't know what the company does though.


There are apps & coaching products as well as virtual therapy available for employees - but due to the work load hardly any time to make use of it.
Career wise, you can work towards a title change or different tasks in some departments, but there is no career development than in-house in place.

