Not for everyone
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Interesting technology, big, well-known customers, overall good atmosphere inside your own team.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The company keeps trying to reinvent itself for years and for some reason it continuously stops in the middle of the change, going back to the old habits (in most cases).
An honest review of what is going on in the company and a 360° feedback of the high management. Bring some fresh ideas inside the company and let new people implement their new ideas.
Official company communication is fine. Communication inside projects is a mess.
Hard to reach the "experts", since they are few and there is no proper training and onboarding for new joiners.
Poor if you are on the customer project side. Overtime and weekend work for weeks and months is normal.
There is a lack of fresh ideas on the management level. Also, people management is "enforced" on the Team Lead level, but no one above the Team Lead cares too much about the personal side (although they think they do).