My Dream Job
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The flat hierarchies, my co-workers and our office
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
haven't found anything yet, to complain about
Stay the way you are!
There aren't any hierarchies within the company, therefore the atmosphere is extremely nice to work.
Small teams, agile workflows, direct communications
WeAreFamily - I think that sums up everything just perfectly.
Option for remote work and flexible work times really assure a good work life balance
As I said, there are super flat hierarchies. For sure there are supervisors, but no we work together and not against each other.
Interessante Aufgaben
I really enjoy the broad range of things to do. There is no day like another before, so it stays interesting and fun all the time.
We are very divers within our own team and everybody has the possibility of gaining a chance for everything
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
See "diversity" above
As I said, we have lots of perks: like remote work, ...
I'm happy with my income :)
Within the dev-community we are well known and have good feedback also many huge companies trust us.
I got a chance to prove myself and always had the possibility to get better, gain more skills and got support from my colleagues in every way.