There is no future in this company
This decreased over the years sadly. Constant stress and time pressure due to overplanning, not being realistic with the time planned for a specific task.
The meetings are always too cryptic and only scratches the surface
In the beginning this was nice, almost felt like a second family, but after a while getting disrespected and not being heard due to age/gender my opinion changed when even making good contributions
Cant complain here, same benefits as in other startups
Very unprofessional how they handle specific topics, like always making it the employees fault
100% non-existent. The whole executive team are all men and that will stay like that for longer. Your ideas don‘t matter even if it‘s good or benefical to the company due to a younger age, but if they hire an innovation manager who brings up the same idea a year later, somehow its getting implemented
Way under market value with no hope for a raise after years of working