Hell on earth
The people working in the shop are mostly lovely. The higher ups make working there horrible though.
If i could, this one deserves 0 stars. Office and people working in the shop have close to no communication. If people actually speak up about problems they will get in trouble or even kicked out. Promises are frequently made but nothing happens.
Most people working in the shop are
wonderful and it’s not their fault everything else is flawed. Even though Giahi always say they are a family they do not like of the employees ar too close with eachother. Multiple times i have heard that it’s “dangerous” if shop managers get along with the other employees
If you work for giahi, they don’t care about your private life. No one cares if it’s your day off, they will still send messages and expect you to give 150% all the time
Horrible. They act like little kids most of the time and treat people with no respect if they speak up about problems
There are favorites in the company and everyone knows who they are
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Can’t really tell as there is no old person actually working there
I don’t even know where to start.
There is no AC. In summer you AND the customers getting tattoos and piercings and melting and in winter they freeze to death.
It takes forever till things change and wishes of the employees are mostly ignored
It’s a joke and it got worse with the years.
You’re promised raises that never happen and if you don’t have it written down black on white they’ll act like they never said anything
It’s all talk the talk but no walk the walk.
They wanna appear premium and expensive but it’s a joke and most employees see it that way as well
You’re promised a flat hierarchy and easy climbing the ladder. Well you’ll get a fancy name but that doesn’t really mean anything