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Only good for first starters and short term

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Global Petroprojects Services AG gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

A good starting step for young people or newcomers to Zurich

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Employees are just exploited, not listened to and with no chance for proper rewards or a career, not a place where people can stay in the long run


Making suggestions would be a waste of time since the employer should be willing to listen which they clearly aren't


It's an international company and the multi-cultural aspect is an added value.


Very poor communication, many things are kept secret and there's no interest in making the employees feel part of the company, if you work here you are expected to follow orders and do as asked, if anyone seems interested in what you have to say it is just for show and behind your back you would be cursed for speaking up. Instructions also change very frequently and are unclear and at the first mistake there's a very strong finger-pointing policy aimed at blaming the person who is doing the job.


Co-workers are generally nice but the not ideal working conditions tend to make everyone very stressed and there's a high toxicity behavior spreading quickly. Even new people start becoming very negative soon enough because all they hear is people complaining.


This may depend on where you work but if you are part of the core recruitment team you can forget about your personal life as most of the time you will be given way more than you can handle. There are no busy and calm period but only very busy to insane periods. This is extremely unhealthy in the long run and it's one of the main reason for a high turn-over.


It's hard to say something about it since decisions from management are obscure and never really shared with the people these decisions affect. There is more of a boss attitude where you are just supposed to do what you are told. If you speak up you are branded as a complainer. They are not interested in making things better for the whole company but just to keep things as they are with their power untouched.

Interessante Aufgaben

Tasks are varied and could be interesting at first but after a while everything becomes repetitive and just stressful.


It is a diverse environment and it cannot be said there's an open discrimination at least not based on individual background


As a first job the whole package can be attractive, especially for non-German speakers but soon after it becomes pretty obvious that you would end up working for free a lot more than what you signed for making it not worthy at all. The salary is very average and nothing special and there are no annual salary review or performance rewards. SOmetimes they have one every few year but there's no guarantee you would get anything even with a very high performance evaluation.


The image of the company seems to become worse with time, literally everyone in the company complains about a number of things and most people who left are still bitter about their time in the company and this can be seen from many reviews online.


Chances for a career in the company are close to 0. There are very few opportunities for any promotion and the fact the reward system of the company is almost non existant (you can go even 5 years or longer without a single bonus or salary increase on a positive performance evaluation) and that the company is not willing to think of alternative rewarding system by reassigning tasks and roles makes it a dead-end. This is definitely a good first experience for who's out of school and wants to get experience in the field without any prior knowledge but after a couple of years it is worth to move on and not waste any more time.

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