Be aware of toxic work environment and dead communication ends
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Over average salary
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How to enhance productivity with proper communication - Training
Dead communication ends everywhere, especially within the leadership.
Divide et impera is the motto.
Extreme stressful situations interrupted by moments of tranquillity.
Communication dead end. If you ask for information you need to accomplish your job, you are yelled at and/or belittled. All tasks have to be completed in a magical way with zero information. Always complement your superior, even if he is dead wrong and having temper tandrums.
Interessante Aufgaben
Be a minion. If you are told to jump 80 cm in height, don't jump 60 cm or 100 cm high. Never ever over or under achieve. Do what you are told to do, even if you know that your task is complete nonsense.
High compensation for personal suffering.
Do your research and make your own opinion.