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This is not the future

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Praktikant/inHat bis 2022 im Bereich Design / Gestaltung gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Yet, the corporate culture was overall very autocratic. With this dominant and abusive management, there is no space for emancipation so far. If the future is supposed to look like this then I don't want it.


The company urgently needs to establish communication rules to maintain a respectful togetherness with room for a pluralistic-democratic culture of debate, preventing a single dominant personality from taking control. Its crucial for a sustainable process to value debates as positive opportunities for improvement and not fear them, or even interpret them as a personal assault. The world is to complex to be fully understood by a single mind and listening to each other is the only path to a reasonable decision making.


The climate in the company was overshadowed by the toxic and impulsive behavior of the manager, but on days where he would be out, the vibe from the rest of the team was usually very friendly, supportive and welcoming.


Any kind of criticism was received as a personal assault by the manager and gas lighted immediately. There was no chance for a dialog and when someone had a problem with the status quo, the person was mobbed until the contract was over or they quitted early. Of course the others were always the problem, never he himself - a difficult case of cognitive dissonance combined with a submissive team.


Overtime was mandatory. The manager said: "I have no interest in your personal life".


The manager of the start up tended to invasive behavior, playing off colleagues against each other (especially insecure unpaid interns), trying to destroy their self esteem and legitimating his behavior with the holy mission of contributing to space exploration. I think he saw himself as a martyr inspired by modern eccentric astropreneurs.

Interessante Aufgaben

All in all, designing applications for space exploration is a tough but exciting challenge. However, due to the severe communication problems and the lack of time for well balanced transdisciplinary research, it was impossible to actually learn what it needs to design for space while being employed there and it must be kept clear that the resulted analog habitat is far from space graded. As far as I know, there was hardly any consultation by spaceflight experts, even though this was communicated differently, especially to the outside, making most of the design decisions at least questionable. After I kept on bringing up my constructive critiques, I started to increasingly receive more and more organizational tasks from the manager that kept me away from the rest of the team and the design office, as well as prevented me from the design research that I actually came there for: I was a voluntary exchange student intern that spent his saving to come there for studying. The manager answered me: "You wont get better tasks unless you find your place".


The team was solely male at the time when I was there, and as a non-danish speaking exchange student it was hard to feel as an emancipated team member. Even though I wasn't the only foreigner in the team, the Danes kept speaking danish, unintentionally creating an invisible cultural barrier, a miniature class society. I addressed this observed group dynamic sensitive in a meeting but the manager took control, denied and refused to discuss it.


There were severe shortages in occupational health and safety. At one stage the manager put emotional pressure on me to apply toxic anti-corrosive coatings on a metal framework without the proper safety equipment.


There was no sensibility for sustainable behavior.


One half of the team consisted of unpaid interns and the other half was paid only minimum wage (according to the management, because of limited public funding).
