20 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihren Bewertungen weiterempfohlen. Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 3 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.
Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Life's truth: work hard for your rewards - nothing good comes easy
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Atheneum Partners GmbH gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
It is a good environment out of university - real world atmosphere where hard work is required and expected, but also rewarded. The team is young and excited. The management team has worked their way up and are good role models for success.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
It can be very high-stress and it is hard to do other things (study German, explore the city, etc) when you're new due to non-flexible working hours. I think employees do not always feel appreciated by management.
Keep the employee in mind when you think of changes - of course money is what keeps the company going, but without good employees the company will never succeed.
The people at Atheneum provide a really nice working atmosphere. With any young company, there can be a lot of change and that can be stressful, but the work is fast-paced which is better than other types.
It is a good opportunity to learn new things, be a part of a great team, and work in a realistic work environment. The clients and experts we work with are interested in what we do and it is an interesting company for others in Berlin.
You have to work at balancing your stress and professional life, but if you can let go you can have a separation between your two lives. You do have to work hard to leave on time, but any good job requires overtime here and there. The company supports young women and others who want to start families. The HR team helps with vacation requests and out-of-office needs.
The management tries to make career prospects clear but it is hard, since they don't know themselves. Clearer goals and expectations were released, but they are maybe too optimistic for what can be achieved now. Training is provided pretty regularly and it's not perfect, but they want to help us. The on-the-job training and learning from our mistakes is the best way to get promoted.
The starting salaries are low compared to outside of Berlin, but fair for the city, especially since there is a longer-term perspective and growth opportunities. It has a salary package for most positions, which mean you get paid for your work. This is fair, but hard if you do not make the goals regularly. Salary as you grow is fair and the company wants people to stay because they want to be a part of the company, not because the money's easy.
The company tries to recycle, but there aren't really any specific discussions or attempts to make a difference. The young team doesn't seem interested either.
The people you work with are very international and excited - most of them want to work together to make things happen. Generally there is a good spirit of teamwork.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
It is a young company with less stability, lower incomes, and less need for experienced workers, so it has not attracted many employees over 45+. It is mostly a graduate opportunity to start a career.
It's a young team so people are still learning how to be better managers - but they want to improve, so it's a positive point.
It's a young company, so infrastructure is not the strongest area. Technology is ok and the building is alright. Plans to move to another office should improve space and noise issues. Pretty good compared to a lot of other offices, but worse compared to the start-up scene in Berlin with hip offices.
The management tries to keep people informed, but the progress is often too dynamic and everyone has different interests for this to really be successful so far. Tasks and goals are explained when possible, and the supervisors try to share information.
Usually the team is about half/half men and women. It is a very diverse team. The rule for advancement is easy: work hard, be a team-player, be pro-active, and prove that you are capable and interested in growing with the company.
Interessante Aufgaben
If you are able and you ask for work, you will get it. Some people complain that nothing is handed to them, but that's not very realistic. The strongest people in the company have the best and most interesting tasks, because they've worked their way up from the start. In a company where everyone comes in as an analyst, you have the chance to really learn and prove what you can do, but that means you have to prove you can do the "simple" jobs too.
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung bei Atheneum Partners GmbH gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Atheneum provides a great learning environment for new professionals, a multi-cultural environment, and a familial environment between colleagues. The main office is in a vibrant city, perfect for young adults. We get the chance to communicate and work with high level executives and experts globally.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
It has some of the typical start-ups weaknesses, including low salaries, communication issues, limited space, and under-trained management.
Continue along the avenues of improvement that you are implementing and raise the level of respect you have for your employees. They are people too and have to make a living that they half-way enjoy.
This is the part which needs the most work. Issues with salary, stress, and unreasonable expectations can lead to low morale. Its also rather loud in the offices. Once moving out of the start-up phase, Atheneum can improve this. Having such great colleagues improves the situation, but can only help so much.
The hours can be a bit long, but its great to have friends at work and the social events are pleasant. Vacation is generally given and no one yells if you're a tad late here and there as long as the work gets done.
Atheneum has a good plan in place for the main workforce's promotions and raises. Much of the administrative and support, however, have less room for moving up.
I hear there will be changes soon, but as with all startups, this company pays their employees much too little, with promises of more later. Management should keep in mind that these are full-time positions, not internships anymore.
encouraged to work paper-less, recycling in the kitchen
Colleagues feel like family and friendships are very common, particularly with the weekly social gathering. Its particularly great that everyone comes from so many backgrounds, speaking 30 some languages and bringing their fascinating cultures with them.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
this is a young, dynamic company, mostly 20's and 30's. Older employees are welcome and seem comfortable.
Often times, unrealistic goals and plans are set, often in an effort to maximize profit and efficiency, when this often backlashes. Respect is often lacking, which brings down morale.
A move would be greatly appreciated, to accommodate the new hires. New IT products are making great steps towards improving team work and transparency, so good there.
This has greatly improved recently, but needs some more work at the higher levels.
Being woman has absolutely no affect on whether or not one gets a raise or treated differently. A healthy and fair portion of the management is female.
Interessante Aufgaben
Projects can often be rather interesting, but there isn't enough time for depth
Multinationale, mehrsprachige Gesellschaft mit Start Up Atmosphäre und hohe Arbeitsaufgaben
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei Atheneum Partners GmbH gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Atheneum ist ein Experten-Netzwerk der macht die Verbindung zwischen Investoren und 100.000 Experten in Europa und den Emerging Markets. Ich finde es super, dass die Firma ein sehr internationales Team (über 30 Nationalitäten) hat. Während die Projektziele variieren - Experten mit Kundenanfragen passen, Interviews durchführen, Reports schreiben - und das einige Analysten finden, dass bestimmte Initiativen mehr administrative als andere sind, die meisten des Mitarbeiters sehen die Arbeit als eine unglaubliche Möglichkeit, über Markttendenzen zu lernen und mit top Experten zu Reden. Wir arbeiten mit erstklassigen Kunden und nehmen unsere Arbeit sehr ernst.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Atheneum ist noch ein ein junges Unternehmen mit begrenzten Ressourcen und regelmäßig strukturelle Veränderungen und neue Prozesse.
Multinationale, mehrsprachig, junge Menschen die auch Freunde sind.
Arbeitszeiten 9:00 bis 18:00 Montags - Freitags. Urlaubsanträge einzureichen zwei Wochen im Voraus.
Je nach Leistungen kann der Mitarbeiter zusätzlich zu dem Festgehalt einen monatlichen Betrag von bis zu 800 Euro erhalten. Diese wird jeden Monat berechnet und erst nach 2 Monaten ausgezahlt. Die Leistungsprämie setzt sich aus der Anzahl der rekrutierten Experten, Anzahl der erstellten Write-ups und Reports, sowie der Anzahl der durchgeführten Interviews pro Monat.
Start Up Atmosphäre mit große Räume und offenen Arbeitsraum. Zauber und guter Infrastruktur. Die Firma wird in Februar umziehen.
Kommunikation durch die Firma könnte besser sein. Es ist eine großer Firma mit vielen Teams die ihre eigenen Verantwortlichkeiten haben. Manchmal ist die Erfolge nur für die Management sehr klar, aber wir haben monatlichen Meetings wo das ist kommuniziert. Projekt Managers haben regelmäßige Meetings über die Ziele des Tages und Trainings für neuer Mitarbeiter haben alle die notwendigen Informationen über den Job.
2 von 4 Partners in Berlin sind Frauen. 2/3 von die Managers in Berlin sind Frauen.