A positive work experience in a pleasant international environment
The general atmosphere is very proffesional and friendly, allowing one the chance to come up with new ideas and develop own initiatives.
The communication is good and transparent, having been improved significantly lately.
The cooperation between colleagues and also departments works fast, with everyone doing their best to help when needed.
With a very flexible working model, a well supported home office policy and not last, a clear vacation scheme, Bigpoint should be seen as an example among employers nowadays, also in regard of work-life-balance.
All the supervisors I´ve met have a strong sense of fairness, which I consider to be one of the most important social and professional skills. It all starts with setting clear objectives and allowing an appropriate amount of time for these and ends with showing recognition for the results achieved.
Bigpoint would for sure deserve a better image especially due to the reasons I highlighted previously and the many positive changes that happened recently.