Wind of change?
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
gaming industry is always competition, and I always had perspective to strive forward, also its more important what you can do instead of whats on the paper in your cv. the team spirit is also a key for me to stay.
polish public image, pay market prices, update hardware for the people, plan in more resource buffer to overcome future productionplans
individual resignments are keeping the deadlines tough, but there is wind of change
has been recently increased due to more transparency of the upper management
remote work is enhancing the work-life balance a lot, people can arrange their private live around the work and are way more flexible.
all okay so far, demanding goals outside of the comfortzone is pushing to the overall okr and also supports individual progression in the selected profession.
Interessante Aufgaben
through the matrix change in the company there are a lot of new oppurtunities.
technical equipement is old, people are in need of newer hardware.
for example Farmerama's donations and campaigns have funded 12 water projects.
market standard is possible, but hard to get
image polishing is needed to showcase that there is wind of change. the people are all working so hard to fight for sucess, while knowing there is no shortcut for it.
started as a student back in the past and now i am middle management, I can´t complain.