Bigpoint improved and still needs to improve
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
flexible workhours, homeoffice
take small steps with a realistic aim, have a strategy/aim,
start learning; compliance!
Nice colleagues - atmosphere changes fromt team to team
monthly town hall meetings with monthly stats and plans are nice.
But sometimes they seem to be more show than have a benefit.
Overall the communication improved in the last years
They are all nice and mostly easy to get a long with. Too many are still afraid to stand up to their lead, even if they know better.
With the possibility to do homeoffice every day - work-life balance improved a lot for myself. Also a big thanks to the WorksCouncil who suggested and negotiated with the employer and both made it possible.
Depends on the lead - in my opinion there are still some persons in positions where they do not belong.
Interessante Aufgaben
I have the possibility to organize my work with great autonomy.
I think that never was a problem
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
No problem, some colleagues got old in the company.
Since you have the possibilty to homeoffice - it is up to you.
Office is also good. And ones again thanks to the WorksCouncil for their support.
We know that we have to improve...
Difficult - it was always if you are liked by your superior or not. But it changed to the better. WorksCouncil together with employer is workin on it to improve the process and make it more understandable