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Internship (employment relationship), which unfortunately is not recommended

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


Characterized by constant pressure and unfriendly work instructions. No helpful feedback and hardly any development opportunities


Supposedly well-intentioned agile communication capabilities, but poorly implemented and used more to constantly control and exert more pressure


Due to the poor working atmosphere and the constant never satisfactory pressure, the employees stick together and people help each other out, but this is based on necessity


Overtime is demanded and no appreciation for the extra work done


At the beginning, the world is a perfect place, but the tables are turned very quickly and you get to see the very difficult characters and the whims of the supervisor.

Interessante Aufgaben

A company that is supposed to come from practice and wants to take over everything digital, but has virtually no competencies to show for it. Much appearance, little reality. It is also questionable in which form the 27+ years of experience of the managing directors should be reflected. (Self-)marketing at its best.
This results in hardly any interesting tasks for the employees, since the company does not follow a clear structure and it is not apparent which competencies are represented here and which tasks are to be tackled.


Supposedly cool workspaces that, however, hardly meet legal requirements and, in the long run, do not exactly promote a relaxed working atmosphere either


Below the industry standard salary, especially considering the additional work to be done


Quote of managing directors: "Image is everything - Content is overvalued"


Dead end - No development opportunities


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Mariola Niedworok, HR-Generalist
Mariola NiedworokHR-Generalist

Feedback trägt natürlich generell gut zur eigenen Selbstreflexion und Weiterentwicklung bei. Von daher, Danke dafür. Auch, dass Du Dir dafür so viel Zeit genommen hast. Dass Dein Feedback an uns gar so schlecht ausfiel, betrübt uns natürlich etwas. Wir bieten immer und allen Mitarbeitern unterjährig an, sich im persönlichen Gespräch Rückmeldung zu ihrer Arbeit zu holen. Vielleicht hätte das Deinen offensichtlichen Frust früher lindern können. Falls Interesse besteht, stehen wir Dir auch jetzt noch für ein Gespräch oder auch anonymen Chat o.ä. gern zur Verfügung. Ansonsten wünschen wir Dir alles Gute.

Mit besten Grüßen
