Internship - ehorses Internationalisation Team
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Super working atmosphere, Interesting topics, great team and people
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Internship salary too low compared to the work produced
If you want interns to stay for longer periods of times, and not needing to introduce new ones almost every two weeks because the "old" ones found something better (takes a lot of time for the "permanent" team members to always explain everything from the start), pay them more. Not too much, but at least enough that they might feel like their work is paying off.
30 minutes lunch breaks are very short. But in exchange, we finish work at 2pm on Fridays!
Interessante Aufgaben
There was always a lot to do in different departments, ig. PR, Marketing, Social Media, Advertising, Costumer Service, Business Development, Planning... super exciting, always busy and a lot to learn & improve!
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Small Team with great communication and great personalities: open, friendly and flexible, but also hardworking and honest.
The Standard Salary that they have for interns is very low. Too low. Especially if you compare it to ALL the work they we have to do.
There is the opportunity for interns to become Trainees and then stable part of the team. And since it's a relatively new and always growping business, there are also a lot of opportunities for individual growth.