2 Werkstudent:innen bei equinux München haben den Arbeitgeber im Durchschnitt mit 4,4 von 5 Punkten bewertet.
2 Werkstudent:innen empfehlen equinux München als Arbeitgeber weiter, während 0 das Unternehmen nicht empfehlen würden.
Great code architecture with brilliant people working on it and in general!
Ex-Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.
The work atmosphere is good, people are friendly and smart. There is a good organization structure, and you always know who to ask for questions. But in my opinion could be better. When I worked st Equinux (2 years ago) there were certain rules that you need to follow e.g. have your laptop facing the door when your fellow collegues pass to say hello, so you don't miss them. For some reason this put a strain on me. Additionally, the project/product manager went at least once per day to your desk to see what the status on the project/product is. Maybe some people like this (and maybe the changed it as well), but for me it was stressful. Additionally, if you are not an independent developer (as I was) there was no structure to help you get better. There was a plan, but not really adaptable to you as an individual.
For me as a working student, this was good.
They do recycle and provide lots of food for you to prepare lunch on site, without having to order, as Equinux is situated in an area with not many restaurants, if any. However, there was always a lot of frozen food, and not caring really about plastic and consumption.
Many of the employees have been with Equinux for over 10 years. They really have a special cohesiveness and let newcomers in on the work by cooking and eating lunch together and hosting many different after-work events (dinners, ping pong competitions). This helps you get to know your colleagues better. And very importantly, everyone has always been helpful. However, the company language is German and they are not afraid to speak in German at lunch. The colleagues are mostly German and you can feel that German atmosphere of distance and discipline.
Communication was pretty good. Also online communication, they have their own software which they use. There was also a certain level of feedback culture, and it was very easy to talk to the people there.
For a working student you earn okay money snd everything is always on time, and there is an opportunity to get raise.
Interessante Aufgaben
The agenda for working students was an ambitious one with many nice tasks. The code of the projects is great, as great people work on them. In general you can learn A LOT from their software engineers. As a working student you do get included in dailys (they work by SCRUM; and also do the dailys standing up which was very nice). I did work a lot alone, that was not so fun to be honest, however I also didn't speak up about it, as I do believe they would take my input into consideration.
Basierend auf 2 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Werkstudent:innen wird equinux München durchschnittlich mit 4 von 5 Punkten bewertet. 100 der Bewertenden würden equinux München als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
Basierend auf {totalReviewsFiltered} Bewertungen schätzen Werkstudent:innen besonders die Faktoren {bestFactor} an dem Unternehmen.
Neben positivem Feedback haben Werkstudent:innen auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 2 Bewertungen sind Werkstudent:innen der Meinung, dass sich equinux München als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Umwelt-/Sozialbewusstsein noch verbessern kann.