There's a reason 'integrity' isn't a core value anymore
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Talented, motivated people who wanna build cool shit. The people who work(ed) at Coyo/ Haiilo are some of the coolest people you'll ever meet. Awesome events. Office dogs. Office bar. Office parties. Lot's of activities you can do with your colleagues
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The managers. You don't know what will happen next week. One week it's 'all hands on deck, we need everyone'. Next week they fire people randomly. The next one after that they have big party to celebrate themselves. Seems tone deaf at best.
Why hire people if you're gonna fire them the next month? What good are those vision plans if you can't plan ahead two months into the future?
Less fancy titles. Less corporate talk. Let people have a say in matters. And be honest and show some empathy if you Have to make difficult decisions. People weren't 'affected'. You fired them. And then ghosted them. You aren't treating people well if you only talk about how important '#together' is from the top down. Listen to the people (who didn't quit yet).