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If you're looking for post-traumatic growth opportunities in your career, Honeypot has the perfect job for you

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Honeypot GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Free fruit at the office

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Working here has honestly been the most absurd, stress- and harmful working experience in my entire IT career.

Even though Honeypot started out with a strong, modern and diverse company culture when it was founded, the working environment took a significant turn for the worse when it got acquired a couple of years ago.

During my time working at the company, almost the entire former executive staff was slowly replaced with managers from the acquiring company (also the original founders left their positions eventually). With this change on the management level, the company's direction changed entirely as well.

The management's communication about initiatives and the company's long-term goals became increasingly more opaque and misleading. Myself and many of my colleagues across several departments received little clarity or guidance on what we need to do to achieve our team or overall company KPIs.

I honestly wouldn't wish a position at Honeypot to my worst enemy. If you're looking for a new gig, please look elsewhere.


After several mass layoffs, letting go about a third of the existing staff in 2020/2021, almost all non-white employees were fired (and the few that were not affected in the first round of layoffs, just left themselves) and the company which formerly prided itself to be one of the most diverse startups in the Berlin tech scene, was now becoming just another predominantly white and male staffed wannabe corporate.

This doesn't look like equality in the workplace to me






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Karina Liebisch, Team Lead Recruiting
Karina LiebischTeam Lead Recruiting

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We're sad to hear that you describe your experience in such a negative way, considering also that you left the company many months ago.

It's certainly true that Honeypot went through big and also painful changes between mid-2020 and mid-2021: the Corona pandemic forced us to become a much smaller team, it led us to change our business model and management team, and it also required us to work together in new, remote ways.

Managing and adapting to all these changes was not easy. As a management team, we surely made mistakes along the way. Perhaps you will also want to review your own role in the process as time passes.

It may be a relief to you to hear that Honeypot is now in a much better state. The hard, transformational change is behind us. The company is back on solid ground and growing again in terms of people and revenues. The average employee satisfaction score in the last 3 months was 4.3 on a scale from 1 (worst) to 5 (best). Honeypot also remains a highly diverse company, with 70 people from over 30 countries, a share of more than 50% female and an active LGBTQ+ community.

Please feel free to reach out to eb@new-work.se if you would like to stop by for a coffee and see for yourself. Perhaps it will help you to make peace with the past and move on without hard feelings.
