Fast paced environment & an amazing team
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A lot of appreciation for the hard work of everyone. Usually very fair and open. Trying to find solutions that work for the team and listening to their needs. Pushing them in a positive way and wanting the best for them. A lot of guidance and care.
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Communication could be better, especially when it comes to giving feedback. Process might have improved, though.
More support for individuals and less expectations to think like everyone else. Everyone is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses. Maybe try to motivate and support more, also across the whole team. Don’t think they’re a lost case only because they’re different to you – diverse perspectives should be something positive and considered a strength to become a better company and a better team. Appreciate their engagement, even if their approach doesn’t match yours. Be more open-minded to different opinions and perspectives. It could turn out positive and show you something new.