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Was die Firma über den Job sagt

ENERCON has been one of the technology leaders in the wind power sector for 40 years. As the first manufacturer of wind turbines, the company used a gearless drive concept that is a characteristic of all ENERCON wind turbines. ENERCON is also at the forefront in other areas, such as rotor blade design, control technology, grid connection technology, and with its wide range of technological new developments, proves its innovative strength time and again.


Senior Change ManagerShaping the ENERCON organization sustainably and partnering transformations with passion for change management


Innovative ideas are the hallmark of our successes and move us on. We are passionate about realizing wind energy projects across the globe and meeting tomorrow's energy technology challenges. You and your engagement can make a contribution to shape the future of renewable energies.



  • Advising managers, project managers and change initiators on change management procedures and organisational principles
  • Support for group-wide change projects (structural change, digitalisation, etc.) using change management methods
  • Continuous management of stakeholders in order to coordinate, identify, structure and harmonise change requirements
  • Identifying need for change, risks and opportunities of changes
  • Conception and management of change projects
  • Applying and communicating change management methods in the course of change projects
  • Analysing the need for change, deriving change impacts, designing a change roadmap and implementing change management measures
  • Further development and review of organisational principles as well as advising various stakeholders on organisational principles and guidelines
  • Further development and provision of templates and best practices for the implementation of reorganisations and other change projects
  • Anchoring Organisational Development & Change Management methods in project, process and people management
  • Conception, moderation and preparation of workshops
  • Contributing to the further development of modern organisational development methods with focus on agile methods, the use of AI and the design of a corporate organisation of the future (roles, networks, etc.)





  • Strong analytical thinking and a high level of abstraction skills
  • Consultancy skills
  • Moderation skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • Confident and empathetic interaction with executives and business managers