Former Vimeda GmbH - rebranded into Lykon. Toxic work environment. Avoid at all costs.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
A company should provide a safe place for its employees. Management should cultivate and reward hard work, rather than exploit it. Structures should be conducive to good teamwork while ensuring that any bad "team players" are held accountable for screwing over or throwing other team members under the bus. A leader should lead by doing, sitting with their employees to identify key issues or pain points, rather than …
In practice, management ignored and blatantly violated the company's core values on a daily basis while shifting blame onto employees to save face. When presented with honest criticism, management also attempted to deflect these criticisms as unfounded. Much was spoken of "flat hierarchies," but. in effect, rank and file employees were subjugated to the capricious demands of c-level managers. Instead of fostering a collaborative workplace, this allowed for many to skirt around their responsibilities. Blame seeking was the rule of the game, rather than an emphasis on problem-solving.
In practice, management ignored and blatantly violated the company's core values on a daily basis while shifting blame onto employees to save face. When presented with honest criticism, management also attempted to deflect these criticisms as unfounded, even going so far as to threaten employees directly. Much was spoken of "flat hierarchies," but. in effect, rank and file employees were subjugated to the capricious demands of c-level managers. Instead of fostering a collaborative workplace, this allowed for many to skirt around their responsibilities. Blame seeking was the rule of the game, rather than an emphasis on problem-solving.
I worked with some considerate, passionate employees. However, the management themselves were utterly incompatible with their employees and unable to take responsibility for their teams. Our team never once had a team lunch during the six months I was employed there. C-level management would disappear during lunch, go on vacation without notifying employees or other team members, and no-show meetings repeatedly. Before quitting, I hadn't had a 1-on-1 meeting with my manager in months. At the same time, it was expected from you to be "on call" at all
Managers never showed respect towards personal time. Moreover, in my department, employees were often yelled at, threatened, and intimidated into working harder. We were expected to work an extreme amount of overtime, without extra pay or time off.
Leading management would hold weekly leadership meetings, without summarizing the results to rank-and-file employees. From one week to the next, the focus on marketing efforts would shift—almost always without empirical proof or a robust hypothesis. Important issues were often glazed over or ignored. Internal politics often resulted in the marginalization of individual employees.
Very bad. To the point of feeling personally threatened. No support for individual employees—a constant flow of pressure and unrealistic expectations.
Horrible in terms of work done and remuneration.
By the end of my time, the company had a very shaky grasp of its own identity and often frantically alternated between medical and lifestyle product. Without clear brand vision or guidelines, employees were left to often make their own judgments with inconsistent guidance. The result was a haphazard conglomerate of messaging that appealed to no one and a graveyard of missed marketing chances. This failing was never addressed during my time there. Efforts to highlight this issue were rebuked or blame was given to the employee who attempted to make progress on these issues.