It´s been a great first experience learned a lot of stuff and hope to be able to continue working with this amazing team
Very friendly people and always willing to help
clear communication structures, never had to be afraid of asking silly questions, very acceptable when it came to receiving and answering questions
amazing environment, cracking jokes every day and keeping the spirits up
flexible when it comes to home-office and try to prevent workers from overworking themselves
Very respectable and willing to listen to new ideas in different topics, never cut newcomers wings off, but actually encouraged them to have more exposure in their area as well as other areas they may be interested in.
Interessante Aufgaben
There´s always something interesting to do and talking to team members about projects and working together makes it ten times more fun and interesting
it´s a man-leading industry yet in this company it makes no difference if you´re a woman or a man, everyone is respected and listened at equally
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Surprisingly had a lot in common with the older members of the team which was cool
Great working conditions, never overloaded nor under time-pressure and/or stress. Everyone is respected and helped anywhere it´s needed.
I don´t think we´re doing anything for the environment, but we are not damaging it either I believe
Good income as an intern
Great opportunities to build your image
Great opportunities to build your career path and reach far especially thanks to the market development, partners, amount of projects and fame of our product as well as our parent company