Coronamanagement First class! What counts are the people. Great support and quick problem solving
Wofür möchtest du deinen Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation loben?
Superfast reaction - lead us to the home office as one the very first companies: I felt secure and that he cared about our wellbeing meanwhile other agencies still expect people to go to the office
Wo siehst du Chancen für deinen Arbeitgeber mit der Corona-Situation besser umzugehen?
Everything works fine now
Stylish Office with regular cleaning service
Quick responses, Friendship based and honest - for people who can self-reflect
you always have those one or two who think they are on the top - but gladly they are leaving by 1st of April :)
Flexible working hours and no one looks strange if ´you leave the office at 6PM - selfmangement, everyone is responsible for their overtime
On a friendship base, fair, always open to help
Interessante Aufgaben
variety of projects, even during the corona crisis
New packages with sport, couching and higher salary: thumbs up for that
New benefits s for self development, touching, and training also as gym packages