Growing and employee-friendly company
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Very good crew with smart people on-board.
Interesting and challenging tasks
Team culture and events
Good compensation
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Micro-management from some of c-level
Provide clear company vision and strategy
The relations between existing and even leaved employees are pretty strong. Very nice and good equipped office.
Joint events in beer-garden once a month and weekly news from management with pizza or sandwiches.
Fussball-Tournaments. Kitchen with free fruit basket, muesli, soups etc.
Besides lot of meetings, some common basic information still isn't transparent. E.g. not completely clear vision and strategy of the company.
The communication itself is pretty good. All employees are informed about which department currently busy with.
Friendly and helpful colleagues.
Interesting workshops and the common culture of employees-empowering.
Well defined home-office or remote-work policies. Every employee is able to take extra home-office if required.
Despite interesting tasks, many people are overloaded and forced to take additional roles.
A competence of the management in the IT is pretty strong from both technical and leadership perspectives. In the business more weaknesses are observed.
Yearly targets of employees are well-defined and controlled.
Quarterly feedbacks are also have positive impact on the employee-management relations.
Interessante Aufgaben
Sometimes too less resources with ambitious objectives and goals.
The tasks are still challenging and interesting, but more clean vision would help for motivation.
Women have same rights as men. There was some issues with sexismus, but management have solved it quick and professional.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
The senior colleagues are respected same as younger. There wasn't yet any question with that.
Office, parking, environment and equipment are very good.
Only one issue is the noise, because of open space in the office.
Pretty good compensation in compare to market salaries.
The achievement of targets follows to annual bonus. Yearly goals are well controlled and adjusted if required.
Employees are speaking about company more positive than negative. As already mentioned the most discussing topic is the unclear company vision and not always well reasonable decisions of the CEO.
Career in the company is possible for all employees, who is able to take responsibility for decision-making. Promotion is not a rare case