Uncountable is a fantastic place to work for software engineers and business development leaders in Munich.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
My job at Uncountable provides a lot of interesting work and responsibility.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Uncountable requires everyone to work hard and time off is more limited than at some German companies.
Uncountable should continue to grow a bigger team in Munich to bring in different perspectives.
Uncountable is a startup environment where employees are given a lot of responsibility within a small team.
Uncountable is very transparent and seeks to make sure that everyone feels a sense of ownership over the company's success.
My co-workers at Uncountable are incredibly talented and fun to work with.
Uncountable puts on company events and outings.
Uncountable makes sure that each employee is growing and working towards their own goals.
Interessante Aufgaben
In a startup, everyone is asked to do a lot of different tasks.