Hidden Champion in a super-interesting field of activity
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Extremley interesting tasks, travels all around the world, being in the epicentre of large visual projects.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
With interesting tasks comes quite a mental load. You better have a strong backbone to survive in this business
Try to streamline some processes, to get more effective. Probably more external knowledge woudln't hurt. Send people to qualifications, etc.
Good mood in general. CEO is a warm person with an ear to everyone.
Weekly online meetings... well sometimes skipped on (too) short notice. Homeoffice doesn't make communication easier.
Very tight - and absolutely required for the jobs these people do. You can literally call everyone in the middle of a night and no one would be angry.
There are LOTS of interesting tasks. Keeps you busy sometimes too much.
Self-Made leadership, very low hierarchy. Mostly ok.
Interessante Aufgaben
Absolutely! Whenever a project gets interesting, they are part of it.
Typical technical nerdy stuff attracts mostly guys. Mostly run by men, could need more feminine engineers.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Age doesn't matter in this company.
Nice office, but everyone can work remotely if required.
Hm... large-scale projection doesn't win a sustainability award...
They pay well for their size. Most employess have above-average degrees (college, PhD). They provide dditional benefits like Jobrad, Jobticket, and individual pension plans.
It is surprisingly well-known for the size of the company.
You learn a lot by doing interesting stuff - but there isn't quite much in certification etc.