A Very good Place to work and grow
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- Great direct manager
- Great Colleagues
- Young people
- International
- Fully remote & free drinks
- Flexible working time
- understanding Team
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- Revenue focused (creates a lot of work for many, estimations become optimistic…etc.) but this is also probably due to the economic situation after corona.
- Not enough long term motivation
- Make Employee retention policy based on why employees actually leave (bonus, trainings, team buildings, reasonable growing opportunities…etc.)
- Company focuses on how to generate more profit, which is obviously fine, but it adds pressure and overload on the employees.
- STOP making time tracking more annoying that it is already
Very good atmosphere for work, especially when Onsite.
Simple and easy with all colleagues, got a bit worse due to home office, but nothing worth complaining about.
Amazing colleagues, but obviously this depends on your social skills as well.
Very well respected, but you should enforce it just like anywhere else.
The best thing about the experience was probably the direct manager, in my case, Understanding, skillful and does the best he can toward work or employees.
Interessante Aufgaben
Tasks got boring and non-interesting after corona & few years at work, but it's most likely outside of company control since this depends on external factors as well
Never heard of complaint in few years about such matter.
You'll be able to get everything needed during the start or on request (obviously, with a valid reason)
Base salary is within market range but no other benefits, no end of project bonus, Christmas bonus, 13th salary...etc. and inflation bonus was given in installments over 2 years which is quite unfortunate.
Company has a good reputation within its market
After Corona things changed and training happens mostly when you're out of tasks (with the exception for Magento2 certification due to its benefit to the company itself)