You can do better than this place in my opinion
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Compared to other jobs I’ve had, never have I seen so much constant turnover. I perceived the company as swimming without a paddle, only to be tugged along every now and then on a whim of its management. In my humble opinion, things became too personal and I didn’t feel I could rely on that classic German tradition of formality. Overall, the experience was an eye opener for me and gave me a glimpse at a life (again, in my opinion) not worth pursuing.
To the company: I suggest figuring out why you started the company to begin with and communicating that to your employees. Don’t pretend to be this ultra cool, trendy startup who e.g. cares about its brand identity. If you are simply hungry for money and if you live for conversion - own that. You will find lots of people who are right there with you. Instead, you hire random people with random diplomas who couldn’t be more different than you. Tell me, how does that contribute to what you set out to do? If you are a wolf, hire more wolves. It’s simple.