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kununu Score13 Bewertungen
WeiterempfehlungLetzte 2 Jahre
Details anzeigen


    • 3,7Gehalt/Sozialleistungen
    • 4,1Image
    • 3,8Karriere/Weiterbildung
    • 4,7Arbeitsatmosphäre
    • 4,1Kommunikation
    • 4,9Kollegenzusammenhalt
    • 4,7Work-Life-Balance
    • 4,0Vorgesetztenverhalten
    • 4,4Interessante Aufgaben
    • 4,6Arbeitsbedingungen
    • 4,1Umwelt-/Sozialbewusstsein
    • 4,3Gleichberechtigung
    • 4,8Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Wieviel kann ich verdienen?

Mittelwert Bruttojahresgehalt Vollzeit
HR-Manager:in3 Gehaltsangaben
Ø50.000 €
Marketing Manager:in2 Gehaltsangaben
Ø42.700 €
Gehälter für 2 Jobs entdecken


Branchendurchschnitt: Beratung/Consulting

Mitarbeiter nehmen bei diesem Arbeitgeber vor allem diese Faktoren wahr: Kooperieren und Spaß und Freude haben.

Die vier Dimensionen von Unternehmenskultur

JobFür mich
Branchendurchschnitt: Beratung/Consulting
Unternehmenskultur entdecken


Die folgenden Benefits wurden am häufigsten in den Bewertungen von 9 Mitarbeitern bestätigt.

  • Mitarbeiter-EventsMitarbeiter-Events
  • Flexible ArbeitszeitenFlexible Arbeitszeiten
  • HomeofficeHomeoffice
  • Gute VerkehrsanbindungGute Verkehrsanbindung
  • Hund erlaubtHund erlaubt
  • RabatteRabatte
  • InternetnutzungInternetnutzung
  • EssenszulageEssenszulage
  • Mitarbeiter-BeteiligungMitarbeiter-Beteiligung
  • BarrierefreiBarrierefrei
  • CoachingCoaching
  • DiensthandyDiensthandy

Arbeitgeber stellen sich vor

Was Mitarbeiter sagen

Was Mitarbeiter gut finden

I have never seen an employer who flies their remote team and other offices three/four times a year to do team bonding activities and do some cool offsites in sunny spots in Europe, hackathons and even Oktoberfest where the team comes to Munich to celebrate. Especially with remote work, its amazing that the company does this to bring everyone together and give the employees the opportunity to meet face to face, build a connection and work on cool projects! Kudos ...
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Spirit, Speed, Space for taking ownership,
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Team & Benefits
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Was Mitarbeiter noch gut finden?

Was Mitarbeiter schlecht finden

Manager behaviour.
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Please take some time to educate yourself on what it means to be a good leader and improve communication with your employees. Currently, there's a lack of proper leadership in place.
Just to look at the Kununu review below: Instead of offering/ executing exit interviews, and showing genuine interest in your people, the current approach seems to be to add favorable Kununu reviews, focusing only on addressing the negative aspects mentioned in previous reviews.
And I suppose you'll offer me ...
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Listen to your employees, listen to their concerns, listen to their ideas, grab a book and get educated in how to lead a company. And most of all don't treat longstanding, loyal employees like your enemies. If money is more important to you than a solid foundation of trustworthy employees, your ship will sink. Sooner or later.
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The office situation in Munich could be improved - but due to the possibility to work remotely nothing which were interferring that much
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Was Mitarbeiter noch vorschlagen?

Bester und schlechtester Faktor

Am besten bewertet: Kollegenzusammenhalt


Der am besten bewertete Faktor von MVST ist Kollegenzusammenhalt mit 4,9 Punkten (basierend auf 5 Bewertungen).

Great team - really enjoyed working together
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Team-work makes the dream work
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Incredible people, one thing about MVST, is that all the employees including the founders are very humble and approachable. Its a super collaborative environment where working as a team and mutual support is highly valued, and colleagues become friends and people you hang out with/share memories outside of work as well.
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The team was the only reason for me to stay that long. We had everyones back, business and private. Always honest and open to try to change stuff that wasn't working well. I made some true friends here, which I will forever be grateful.
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I've always valued my colleagues a lot. They're the main reason I stuck around at MVST for so long. The great atmosphere within the team and the fun we had together really made my time there great. They were like a breath of fresh air, balancing out the toxic leadership culture at MVST.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Kollegenzusammenhalt sagen?

Am schlechtesten bewertet: Gehalt/Sozialleistungen


Der am schlechtesten bewertete Faktor von MVST ist Gehalt/Sozialleistungen mit 3,7 Punkten (basierend auf 4 Bewertungen).

Obviously no one taugt them "thou shalt not lie" because when I read "competitive salary" in their job advertisements they either are trying to make a joke or are just straight up lying. MAYBE it's competitive somewhere in this world. But for sure not where I live. It's below average.
About social benefits, I understand that its quite hard for a "startup" to provide such things so I give them that.
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The benefits are pretty good for a startup, but when it comes to salary, it feels more like a typical agency setup. It doesn't quite match up to Munich standards or any competitive salary you would expect. Plus, it seems like they're starting to outsource work to Spain and matching Munich salaries with those in Spain, which honestly is not really competitive ;)
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Gehalt/Sozialleistungen sagen?

Karriere und Weiterbildung



Karriere/Weiterbildung wird mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten bewertet (basierend auf 4 Bewertungen).

Career and personal development mean more than just offering Udemy courses for €15 or supporting attendance at specific workshops. We were supposed to have development discussions with our supervisors three times a year, but these talks were often postponed (sometimes by as much as 2-3 months - the reason? New client meetings or private stuff!), and asking for a salary raise or promotion felt pointless unless you were a favorite. It's time to learn what it truly means to coach ...
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Apart from Udemy courses which are always available to take. MVST offers 1500€ for learning and development, employees can fly in and out to attend workshops, conferences and learning is highly supported. In terms of career development, you will always get the chance to reflect on your tasks, career path at the company and have an open and honest conversation about it with the supervisor during the quarterly 1on1s.
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development budget for each employee
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404 career not found. And about development, well I had to hope my boss was generous enough to pay for cheap udemy courses, even though in my contract it said I am given 1.500€ development budget. Never could use it.
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Was Mitarbeiter noch über Karriere/Weiterbildung sagen?

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • MVST wird als Arbeitgeber von Mitarbeitenden mit durchschnittlich 4 von 5 Punkten bewertet. In der Branche Beratung/Consulting schneidet MVST besser ab als der Durchschnitt (3,9 Punkte). Basierend auf den Bewertungen der letzten 2 Jahre würden 67% der Mitarbeitenden MVST als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Anhand von insgesamt 13 Bewertungen schätzen 78% ihr Gehalt und die Sozialleistungen als gut oder sehr gut ein.
  • Basierend auf Daten aus 8 Kultur-Bewertungen betrachten die Mitarbeitenden die Unternehmenskultur bei MVST als eher modern.