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A modern company with many directions and opportunities in the interesting field of tourism and winter sports

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nice teams, comfortable office, technological stack, company events


The general working atmosphere in the firm is quite pleasant. Friendly colleagues, a bright and comfortable office, modern equipment, fun company events - all this is received by every employee of the company.


Each team tries to follow the principles of agile development. The specific methods used in each team are, of course, different, depending on tasks and wishes of team. The overall goal is transparency and awareness of each team member in the work process. In addition, regular exchanges of information with the management are held. At those meetings, each employee gets an idea about the goals, changes in approaches and the main news of the company.


In general, the company has an atmosphere of mutual assistance and goodwill. Colleagues in the same team willingly help each other, share experiences, try to find the best solution together.
Communication with other departments is sometimes difficult due to the high workload of colleagues. But at the same time, each colleague is happy to share his opinion on any issue, for example, during a short coffee break.


As for me work-life-balance is firstly depend on your personal expectations. How many hours are you finding enough for you to work and spend to you own interests ? In my case I was reducing or increase amount of my working hours depending on my family situation. This possibility helped me to work with small children. I had all the time lots of tasks, but overеtiming happened only on one of multiple projects and for a short period of time.


All team-leads, that I had, were really cool! I was able to discuss any problem (both related to work or personal life).
Sometimes projects prios are changing dynammcly(depending on management and clients needs/requests) and sometimes it is not expectable, but team leads are trying to manage this quickly changing situation as good as they only can.

Interessante Aufgaben

As in any company, tasks in Alturos are divided into innovative and routine. But even the most interesting task can sooner or later turn into a routine. The company uses a wide range of technologies - some projects support the latest versions of the software, others use rather outdated versions. In general, the company is focused on the use of modern technologies and approaches. The company employs interesting and involved people from whom you can learn a lot.


I am a woman in Software development, working mother of small children and had only positive experience in the area equal rights in Alturos.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Long term employment with the firm is highly supported.


All computer equipment is modern and very comfortable. The office is in a convenient location close to the Wörthersee, Europe park and the university. The office is comfortable and bright. There are two kitchens and a lounge area with talk units. Partial work from home office is possible.


The company tries to maintain the level of salaries in accordance with the level of responsibility of employees. The salary is always paid on time.


In general, the company is dynamic and developing. Various sports initiatives are carried out, each employee receives a branded T-shirt / hoodie. There are various team building events related to the achievements of the company. There is a ski day at the ski resort once a year (including transport, food in the restaurant and lift tickets), as well as two events a year dedicated to Christmas and company day in the summer. People love working here!


if you are a person with an active life position ready for the initiative, then the company is glad to receive your proposals in all possible directions. It all depends on the current budget and the technical needs of the company's development.
