9 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
5 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
5 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Flexible Arbeitszeiten, Homeoffice, Pizzafridays
Schwer zu sagen, da primär junge Leute dabei waren
There aren't many older colleagues, but people got along fine no matter the age.
Flexible working time, keeping up with an interesting fast-changing industry
Very high employee turnover with many people leaving within the first month. Not enough structure and defined processes
Start investing in people and management skills, and come up with an onboarding plan. Take feedback seriously and deliver your promises to the employees. Ask for employees' consent before uploading their photos to the website and external materials
Everyone is very communicative
Very nice communicated to external people
Flexible working time, but employees still have to come to the office. Some colleagues had a huge amount of over hours, often very high stress level
Half of the employees don't know what they are doing
Colleagues within the same team are trying to help each other
Dull open office plan where everyone is talking at the same time in different languages, so it's nearly impossible to focus on work. Lack of meeting rooms.
Tasks are rashed without all the needed information
All-in contracts
Interesting tasks which get repetitive with time. Need to learn and figure out everything by yourself
schnell und begeistert
I can tell you it is not gonna be easy all the time, but it is more than worth it. I am so happy and proud to be part of this evolving & growing company with its motivating & thriving employees.
JOIN our journey if you are searching for a place that always challenges you and surrounds you with motivated, humble, and fun personalities. We are always welcoming talents with open arms!
Rapid growth is good and bad - unfortunately, some structures are for now missing. But I know that our management is already working on solutions.
More feedback and praise if an employee did a good job.
Although the company has grown so much, the family atmosphere has not been lost. Good working atmosphere, regular feedback meetings, nice office, many benefits
Flexitime, home office, flexible work scheduling it doesn't get any better than this.
Attempts are made to train employees internally, management workshops and language courses are offered, you can also change departments during your years at App Radar, and much more... Improvements have been made again and again this year in this area as well.
Salary according to CA/KV plus overpayments and lots of social benefits.
App Radar has no company cars and almost all employees use public transport or their bike. Some of the managers also walk daily to the office :)
Hardly a day goes by without a laugh and even in difficult situations we always find something funny. No matter what happens my team is always there to support me if I need help.
Everyone is on a first name basis. No matter who you talk to, you don't feel less important. Team internally top, management is always available and has greatly improved communication with employees in the last year.
Despite the open concept, and very pleasant atmosphere, not a typical open-space office. Appealing colors, and great design - I'm happy every day about how beautiful my workspace is.
I receive direct feedback on my work, which I find very motivating. Even mistakes are allowed to happen and are used to learn from them.
A high proportion of women also in management positions, gender gap in salary does not exist.
As the company is constantly developing, there are always new tasks and personal responsibility is required.
Das Gesamtpaket - macht App Radar zu einem attraktiven Arbeitgeber. Bin froh ein Teil des Teams zu sein.
Sehr herzliche, ungezwungene Atmosphäre
Ideal, es findet kein Micromanagement statt
Mit guten Beispiel voran
Sehr gut, man bekommt die Freiheit die Aufgaben nach eigenen Vorstellungen umzusetzen
Kommunikation ist offen, man muss nichts interpretieren
Schätze die Möglichkeit mit modernen Technologien zu arbeiten
Einblicke in die Industrie, spannende Kunden und grundsätzlich nützliches Tool.
Vor allem Micromanagement durch Zeittracking
Den Leadership Ansatz überdenken
Es wird versucht im Service Bereich ohne Rücksichtnahme auf Kapazitäten so viel verkaufen wir es nur geht. Darunter ist das gesamte Team überdurchschnittlich gestresst.
Nach außen in Ordnung
Rein in Freizeit möglich
Grundsätzlich in Ordnung, Teils werden ausgesprochene Versprechungen nicht eingehalten.
Man hilft sich auf gleicher Ebene
Manipulative Züge machen sich bemerkbar um in eine Richtung gelenkt zu werden.
Ausstattung in Ordnung, leider unkooperative Kommentare wenn man ein Hardware Upgrade braucht.